Friday, March 24, 2006

Hiroshima- March 24

We sailed into Hiroshima last evening and docked early this morning. It took the ship a longer time than usual to clear port but we finally got off. Sometimes it seems a matter of rules and sometimes it feels like a matter of money as how fast this process works.

Our first stop was at the Peace Park. August 6, 1945 at 8:15 AM the Allies dropped the first A-bomb on this city. The Japanese government had been warned but they chose to ignore the warning. Our guide's Faither-in-law was in the Hiroshima Perfectural Exhibit Hall which was the center of the blast. His body was never recovered. Her husband's older brother was at school and died that day. This is Jim at the Peace Bell. I went up and rang the bell in great hopes for peace. The museum we visited was extremely well done. We heard a number of people saying things like, "Well, they did...." to us. But to us the overwhleming message was we must never do anything like this again to any other community of people.

We visited a beautiful Japanese Garden built originally in 1620 and of course completely destroyed in 1945. We love looking at the beautifully groomed pine trees and wondered if we could find someone to sculpt the trees in our backyard. It was a really peaceful place. The ponds were filled with huge carp and the rocks were covered with turtles resting in the sun.

Next we saw Hiroshima Castle- quite spectacular. But, of course, most everything is a reconstruction because the buildings were wooden and burned in the blast.

Got back on the ship and had a surprise performance by the Hiroshima Junior Marimba Ensemble. A lively bunch of 14 school girls from third to 7th grade whose instruments included 6 big marimbas, a trap set, a Japanese drum and other percussion instruments. It was great fun to watch and listen.

Had dinner tonight at one of the fancy restuarants on board and are off to a show before bed and tomorrow's full day in Kyoto.


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