Wednesday, February 02, 2011

We Arrived

Jim at his seat across the way

Breakfast in the fancy seat
Our travels were mostly uneventful. Three planes that took off and landed on time.  That is a miracle these days. The flight from LAX to Sydney had seats that were a cosy cubicle. The seats also became a flat bed. Jim slept really good and I slept somewhat and also had a grand time watching movies. Here we are with breakfast and Jim managing the carry-on.Our plane was early into Sydney so we had to deplane from stairs away from the terminal. Because we had decided to get wheelchairs we breezed our way through immigration and customs. Our luggage was there when we got to the baggage claim and our driver was right at the right spot. Then the fun drive trough the busy Sydney traffic began. It was early morning and I guess a fairly typical trip.

We drove about 45 minutes and searched for a bit to find what we thought was Katherine and Bill's house. Colin, our driver, found what we thought was the house. He brought the bags to the front porch and no one answered the door. We called and Katherine answered the phone and said she'd be right down. She was in the shower. We waited and waited and called her back. We were at 9 Upper Avenue Road and they really live at 9 Avenue Road. Katherine called Bill, who had the car. He called a cab to come pick us up.

Elaine waits on the curb
We wheeled the bags to the street and sat waiting. People walked by and we got some strange looks as we sat in the curb. A lady came by walking her dog and asked if we were off on a fun trip. We said we had just had a fun trip but had gotten dropped at the wrong house. We waited some more and the lady came driving back and stopped. She had come back to get a high chair for a grandchild out of the "rubbish." She asked if she could do anything to help us. Turns out she lives at 13 Avenue Road. So Audrey became our life saver because by this time Katherine had gone down to the end of the driveway to wait for us.

Audrey took the high chair out of her car and ask a worker at a nearby house to watch it while she drove us to the right house. We were so glad to see Katherine.

Bill came home from work and the four of us went our for lunch. Both Bill and Katherine are doing great jobs driving on the wrong side of the road in this wild traffic.

So Bill is back at work and Katherine has gotten Ethan from school. We are grateful for air conditioning because it is about 95 degrees and the humidity must be close to that also.
Ethan with his chocolate face

Looking forward to a good dinner together with all the Aussie Barnetts.


At 11:43 AM, Blogger Bill Kemp said...

Did your back screws give you any trouble with TSA? Glad you had an uneventful trip.

At 6:08 PM, Blogger Kathryn said...

Wow - we cannot imagine 95 degrees! How does it feel being on the bottom of the Earth? Christopher thinks that the airplane seats must have been really really comfy - and Will and I are sorry that you ever let our kids in on the secret that such fancy seat exist! His first comment was "Ooooh I can't wait to fly in a seat like that."

At 6:13 PM, Blogger Kathryn said...

Also - Ella wanted me to say " We love you Grandmommy and Granddaddy"
And I must say that those pancakes look FABULOUS!! Who was working the griddle on your flight?
Christopher wants to know if school starts now then when is summer break? and do the boys actually LIKE wearing ties and uniforms to school?
love, Christopher

At 8:43 PM, Blogger Jim and Elaine Barnett said...

Christopher, Both Ethan and Jack say "NO" to wearing ties to school. They do have a sport outfit they wear a couple days a week.

Summer break for them was when they came to the United States in December. That was the end of the school year. When you, Christopher, had your winter break, they had their summer break- strange!


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