Thursday, June 15, 2017

Home Again- June 15

Yesterday went almost according to plan as all the pieces fell into place for a speedy disembarkation and safe travels beyond. Got up about 5:30 AM London time, prepared to leave and then enjoyed a wonderful room service breakfast. Got off the ship right on time, got our luggage but there was none from Luggage Free out beyond Customs as had been indicated. The porter with our two bags said he knew what to do with the bags so we trusted and left them.

Car was waiting and we were off to London Gatwick. The driver was a big tall guy in a small Jaguar so poor Jim who sat behind him had his knees tightly scrunched. BUT we got there safely although I wasn't too happy because he left us out behind the elevators going to the Terminal. We rode the life up and walked a good distance to get to the terminal. He could have taken us right to the front and I have no idea why he didn't. BUT we got there.

I waited on Jim to make a pit stop and noticed a phone with a Help Station sign. Love these British with their orderly and kind ways. We called and before too long a cart appeared and we went to the British Airways desk and then off to the One World Club Lounge. From the window of the lounge we could see so many different airlines represented. Had to chuckle with the Norwegian Air plane with the Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard's picture on the side.

The Club Lounge was the biggest I have ever seen with the most food imaginable. We relaxed until assistance came for the next move to the plane. Seating on the plane was like before but the cabin contained many more young people and small children who increased the noise and activity level.

Flight was relatively smooth. Jim watched Hacksaw Ridge and I watched two movies- Moonlight and also Manchester By The Sea. Nothing like a good movie to help the time go by. Arrival was right on time into Orlando.

By the time we were heading out of the terminal Maritza called to say she was in the cell phone lot. She arrived and we were off. We got home a tiny bit after 9:00 PM (which is 2:00AM London time) Was a long day.

The record of the journey is

Flew to London- May 26
Visited Bill and Family May 27-June 3
Saw Central London, Oxford, Warwick Castle, Stratford-on-Avon, Waddesdon Manor, Cotswolds
Sailed from Southampton to Newcastle- 413 Nautical Miles
Sales From Newcastle, England  to Edinburgh, Scotland 102 Nautical Miles
Edinburgh- Belfast, Northern Ireland    539 Nautical Miles
Belfast- Holyhead, Wales- 97 Nautical Miles
Holyhead, Wales- Dublin, Ireland  51 Nautical Miles
Dublin, Ireland to Liverpool, England-  104 Nautical Miles
Liverpool- Dartmouth, England  485 Nautical Miles
Dartmouth- Southampton  105 Nautical Miles
Total sailed   1,896 Nautical Miles

And the luggage follow-up. My bag was delivered this morning about 11:00. Jim's is for some strange reason still in Memphis....but at least they are not by the curb in Southampton.  It is a great luxury to be able to travel without dragging luggage. 

Was a grand but chilly journey on a great ship. Best part was the great visit with Bill, Katherine, Michael, Jack and Ethan.....and it is good to be home......until the next adventure. 


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