A Day With the Barnetts
In the afternoon we had a wonderful visit together. Michael and Jack went off to play in the "garden" with two French children that live in this apartment building. They had a great time together. Michael says he is learning both French from these two children and German from two other children who live nearby. What a great experience!
Jack did have an accident in on the swing set and loosened one of his teeth. An emergency call to a dentist said give him Tylenol and make a morning appointment.
Last evening we had a wonderful dinner and an even yummier dessert-chocolate pie.
Ethan especially liked the chocolate pie- as you can tell.
Jim and I were in bed by 8:00 and slept for 12 hours. Felt good to sleep soundly. Katherine and Bill however, had a late night because the sink in the kitchen began to leak because a pipe was falling apart. They called and a plumber came at about 11:30 PM and fixed it. Can you imagine finding a plumber who works 24 hours a day.
After breakfast Bill, Katherine and Jack headed out for the dentist. They returned with groceries, but Jack had one tooth less. It was a baby tooth that got hit by the swing, and the dentist said no problem. He said the tooth would come out in a week or so. On the way home the tooth fell out.
Bill and Katherine have done such a great job planning for the furniture in this flat. They are using the space so wisely. The books and toys they brought for the boys seem to be just the right ones. Bill's job is not going as smoothly as he wishes it would so he is working very long hours. But they all are enjoying living in London and we are enjoying visiting with them.
Well, let me try this again. I think I said in my original try - WOW - you are already half way through writing a book and I thought I'd be the first one to leave you a note. Looks like you're having a great time with family. Keep up the fun - and the rest time. Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you. Sue
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