Friday, July 17, 2009

A Day at Sea- July 16

We had a glorious day at sea on Thursday, July 16. The weather was just the right degree of warmth to create a terrific atmosphere

for sitting on the balcony to read, visit with our traveling companions and watch the world go by. I think a little napping also went on….at least on the balcony for 6102.

Lunch was a delicious meal as a gift from our friends at TraveLeaders. We were invited to a lunch at the Pinnacle Grill. The food was really, really tasty and different. The dining room is beautifully appointed.

I especially like the ceiling of the Vists Dining Room which is covered

with Murano Glass flowers. Each flower also has some sort of mono-filament that changes color. Very beautiful! The brass dolphins playing around the pool give a nice artistic touch to that area. The large Chess Set in a corner by the pool is really popular with people of all ages.

The Holland America logo which is seen on the china, the ships smoke stacks, the large flower pots, and many other places feature a small Dutch sailing ship set inside a modern cruise liner. Gives a real sense of progress and of how long Holland America has been sailing the seas.

The afternoon was spent in lazy, restful, and refreshing moments. The deep blue water of the sea let us know we were really “deep water sailors.” As Jim said, “There is something so relaxing about just watching the water go by.” I think we would all agree to that.

Sure am glad we still have 11 days left on this adventure!


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