Thursday, June 28, 2012

Getting Aboard the Noordam

Yesterday we left our home at the Hotel Mascagni and headed for Civitavecchia.  Everyone was in the lobby/bar area well before the 11:00 departure time and we waited. This is the first of the tours I arranged with Private Shore Trips and, as always, I was a bit nervous about it being what was promised. The bus-yes a real full-sized bus- rolled up to the hotel and the driver and hotel bellman helped load our luggage. With the whole bus to ourselves everybody got comfortable with lots of space and we watched the city of Rome move from historic monuments and wild traffic to just wild traffic on the Autostrade. Fields with newly harvested and rolled hay were on each side. Big fields of sunflowers reminded us of France and were so beautiful. The journey took about 90 minutes. And was so pleasant.
Living Room and Dining Room
The check in at the port was just the opposite- really wild and chaotic. We got number 24 and then I happened to ask if there was a special place for people with suites to check-in and a person escorted us to a place and basically we broke in line. Didn’t like that feeling but didn’t want to wait through the long line in the hot place. All they were able to say was this was a new terminal and they had never dealt with it before.  Didn’t make it any better. We waited a long time to be escorted by the Concierge to our Penthouse Suite. AND WOW!
By the time we got aboard, the other Barnett and Cheek Parties were off and gone  exploring the ship and finding lunch. We learned about the suite and then went to the special Neptune Lounge and grabbed a bit of lunch.  Luggage arrived and we began to unpack. Both families came by and the kids were back and forth AND all over the suite looking at this amazing space.
The time for the dreaded Boat Drill arrived and we headed for lifeboat 5. First time we have had a drill without having to wear life jackets. It has always seemed so silly to wear them and then have someone tell you how to put them on. The announcement said not to wear them to eliminate the chance of someone tripping over the straps as folks walked along.  After we were in place they did demonstrate how to put on a life jacket.
The drill was terribly long because a good number of people didn’t show up and they had to be sent for. I had taken my folding seat so I was OK. Jim stood for about 25 minutes and had to leave. It was really , really hot. The whole thing took 45 minutes and was made longer by a long announcement by the Captain. Sure would have been better to have all that as a printed announcement.

Buffet Table 
The Penthouse Suite has 1150 sq. ft and includes a living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom and an additional 1/2 bath. There is a kitchen and lovely pieces of art. We created door signs for each of our 4 cabins and someone added balloons to our door. 

Bathroom with jacuzzi Tub
The bathroom includes a shower and a jacuzzi tub. The face on the wall works like a fountain when water is turned on for the tub. Very classy. There is a big walk-in closet.

There is a great dressing table. Such wonderful space. There will be more pictures to come. 

Our suite  is becoming the place for all the family to hang-out and watch the world go by as we visit together. I feel so fortunate to be experiencing this time in such luxury. 

Dinner last night was in the Vista Dining Room. They were kind enough to arrange a table for 11 people each evening at 6:15. Kids were served first and ate quickly- seemed crazy to all of us. After dinner we slowly made our way home. Kids and some adults went to bed and other adults stayed late and chatted. What a great evening!


At 8:12 AM, Blogger Kathy and Bos said...

Getting on board can be a nightmare! Glad you are happily ensconced. What a horrid experience on Delta!! But it sounds like you are all having a great time! Love reading about it.

At 8:12 AM, Blogger Kathy and Bos said...

Getting on board can be a nightmare! Glad you are happily ensconced. What a horrid experience on Delta!! But it sounds like you are all having a great time! Love reading about it.

At 8:15 AM, Blogger Kathy and Bos said...

Getting on board can be a nightmare! Glad you are happily ensconced. What a horrid experience on Delta!! But it sounds like you are all having a great time! Love reading about it.

At 9:37 AM, Blogger Sue Moore said...

I'm curious about which winery the folks owned that you met at the hotel. Was it one we had visited? Did they give you free samples - LOL???
Your suite sounds like the one you had when you were APCE president - or was it when you were event chair? Any grand pianos around? Have fun! Love the photos.


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