Friday, November 29, 2013

Another Day At Sea

Our last day at sea and we are rapidly heading toward Muscat, Oman to dock tomorrow morning. The sea is a bit rolling with some white caps. 

The sunset last evening as we sailed from Salalah was spectacular. 

Was a good Thanksgiving Day here so far away from home….or rather in our favorite “home away from home on the seas.”

We had hoped to have a computer chat with Bill and his family since we had almost effortlessly done that with Kathryn and her family and several times with Bill and Lucy Kemp, but the internet powers that be and the technology were not to work at all. We finally had a good phone conversation first with Jack and then with Bill- with voices chiming in from the background.

We met our friends Kathy and Bos Irvine for Thanksgiving dinner. We had turkey with all the trimmings. The turkey was moist and delicious but except for the turkey the rest of the food offerings were different than our traditional dishes….but all was good. Still it is such a treat to eat a feast every night aboard without cooking or cleaning…and with amazing variety of food from which to choose. Love it!!!!

After much discussion and debate, we have decided to use a luggage shipping service, Luggage Free. This service is far from free but does mean we won’t have to deal with luggage once we identify it off the ship. Our friends who have used it several times say the luggage just appears at your door.  That will certainly make our last day of touring in Dubai, our arrival at the Dubai airport, navigating customs at the Atlanta airport and our arrival in Tampa be much easier. Now if we just don’t have to take out a second mortgage on the house to pay the bill. The cost is determined by where you are shipping from and since everything in the United Arab Emirates seems to be expensive, the cost of shipping from Dubai is the highest of all.  If it doesn’t do all those things, I am sure I’ll never hear the end of it- but it seems worth the risk.

Breakfast was just delivered by Ketut. He is such a kind and nice person. He had told us a week or so ago he only had 8 suites this cruise that he was caring for because suites 859 and 860 were unoccupied. Bos had seen someone in 860 and thought they were some of the entertainment staff and yesterday I saw a big guy leaving 859….so I asked. Ketut smiled and said actually both suites were occupied with the extra security men who have been aboard since the last Greek port. They will be aboard until Pakistan. He said that is why the “Privacy” sign is always hanging out. Someone of the group is always up walking the decks and someone is always sleeping. They have certainly been unobtrusive in their security duties- unlike the guys who were so obvious on the Oceania cruise in 2005 in this area.
Jim said the water cannons were manned this morning so I guess we are still in waters that could produce a surprise or two.

We continue to be impressed with the way this cruise line pays attention to details in every area. We'll miss this easy, lazy life when we get home. BUT there us always something good about home. The chocolate placed on our pillows each night are in small paper envelops with travel quotes printed on them. One that seems appropriate as this cruise is drawing to an end…"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel…until he comes home and rests his head on his old familiar pillow." Twas said by Lin Yutang and I know it is also true for women- something good about home when the journey is over. 


At 5:03 AM, Blogger Sue said...

Finally catching up with all of your posts. I plan to spend my birthday morning quiet time reading your blog. Thanks for the great posts.

At 8:19 AM, Blogger iluvdogs said...

How nice it was for the cruise line to recognize Thanksgiving Day. Must be a lot of Americans aboard. But, even if you're not American it's always good to be thankful. Interesting reading about all the security measures -- kind of scary really. Enjoy these last couple of days of being pampered.

At 2:09 PM, Blogger William T. Cheek III said...

Can't wait to hear all about the non-turkey parts of the Thanksgiving Feast! that sounds really interesting

We missed you but also marveled at what a wonderful trip you guys are having and were thankful to have such explorers in our family.
We toasted you as we watched Punkin Chunkin last night - Ella is ready to start building a trebuchet and enter the contest next year! (She thought maybe we could start out with the models you gave Christopher and work from there -- )
Love you - and safe travels home!


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