Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ceylon Intercontinental Hotel- Istanbul

Welcome TV Screen
Jim in the hotel room
We had a very nice lady as the guide from the airport to the Ceylon (pronounced Jeylon in Turkish) Intercontinental Hotel. The city was lovely with the lights and she told us about the three main sections of the city.  Population of Turkey is about 75 million people and the city of Istanbul has between 15-18 million people depending on whom you ask. The beautiful Bosporus was surrounded by lights and still filled with activity of boats of various sizes. Traffic was terrible- almost bumper to bumper but there were no horns blowing. We could see the Voyager already in port- lights ablaze. Looked so inviting.
We arrived at the hotel at the Taksim Square which had been the sight of rioting several months ago.
Our guide said it was filled and surrounded by lots of shops and a big pedestrian mall.
We got off the bus, went into the lobby, got our key and were quickly in our lovely room. This is probably the biggest and most lovely hotel room we have ever had.  Kathy and Bos, who arrived about an hour earlier, had called so we touched base and decided to meet for dinner at the restaurant on the top floor, Saffron.

We all about died when we saw the menu until we remembered that the prices were in Turkish Lira. A common sigh was shared by all. Food was delicious and the conversation lively.

Regent is offering many options for tomorrow’s activities in Istanbul but since we have all been here before, we decided to eat a late breakfast and regroup. Not sure whether we’ll take the buses provided or do a taxi and try to get to the ship before the crowds. We’ll see wht the morning brings.

Meanwhile off to bed in the comfy looking bed hoping for a restful sleep.


At 7:30 AM, Blogger Sue Moore said...

Wondering if my previous comment posted...

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Sue Moore said...

Looks like I need to log on FIRST, then post a comment. I'll get this figured out by the time you get home - LOL. I've been praying for safe travels for you, and it looks like you're haviing a smooth trip so far. Curious about the "cost" of the meals that were so shocking. Your room looks lovely. What's next on your agenda?

At 9:39 PM, Blogger Jim and Elaine Barnett said...

Got it Sue, The meals were still expensive but at least a salad was $14 and not $28- it was 28 Turkish Lira- much better. Doing fine-hope you are


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