Friday, July 06, 2012

July 6- Messina, Silicy

Madonnina Port Protectress

Today is our last day of this wonderful family adventure. We sailed into Messina, Sicily bright and early in the morning. We got back the hour of time we lost when we went to Greece so the sleep time was nicely long. The entrance to the harbor is marked by a golden looking statue on the top of a tall column-the Madonnina Port Protectress. There were many, many boats in the harbor and the variety of ferries were already moving back and forth.

Bill, Kate and Ethan dropped by for a visit while Michael and Jack slept in the dark interior cabin. We’ll all do better tomorrow if we can enter the travel day as rested as possible.

The Cheek family did get a taxi and go to visit the town of Savoca and the strange crypt where the mummified remains of 32 aristocrats and friars from the 17th and 18th centuries are eerily displayed. Dressed in their finest clothes they looked like they were ready for a party. They made it back to the ship just as the all aboard time approached.

Messina is situated on the northeastern Sicilian coast and is the capital of Messina Province on the western shore of the Strait of Messina. Messina produces foodstuffs, silks, muslins, linens, and chemicals. The town was founded by the Greeks in the 8th Century BC. It was occupied by the Romans in 264BC which triggered the First Punic War between Rome and Carthage. 

We sailed out through the straits of Messina. The Pilot boat followed us very fast and the captain said most often the transfer of the pilot from the ship to the pilot boat happens at 6 kts. But in this area they normally do this at 16kts. It was quite a sight to see. People were lining the rail on the 10th deck above as we watched from the balcony. When he got safely on the boat there was a loud cheer and he waved to the crowd.

Packing was the usual wild experience. Always easier to pack to go home since you don’t care how stuff goes into which suitcase. BUT is always more exciting to pack when you are going on a trip just because of the anticipation. This time we had lots of clean clothes all neatly folded to go into the suitcases.
At 3:30PM we sailed by the volcano Stromboli for the 2nd time on this cruise. We have also sailed it by this very active volcano one other time in the daytime in 2009 and one time at night in 2005. No matter when you sail by Stromboli it is quite amazing.

Our bags are packed, our luggage is tagged and tomorrow we will all be off and gone our separate ways very early in the morning. This has been such a perfect time for us to celebrate our life together surrounded by those people we love most in the world. Our hope is that everyone has had a great time...and we think they have AND that they remember sharing this time together as they continue to explore the world!


At 8:47 AM, Blogger Sue Moore said...

LOVE the family photo. As you said, this is a rare opportunity that all will appreciate now and in the future.
Traveling mercies to all as you return home.

At 9:40 AM, Blogger iluvdogs said...

A bittersweet day -- so much wonderful time you've shared together and now time to return to all that is "normal". Wishing everyone safe travels with wonderful memories. Lucy

At 10:52 AM, Blogger Kathy said...

Loved the family picture!! What a memory you have created for the entire crew!! We are really happy for you. The flight home will be sad, but those memories should be fresh for all those hours!! (Then you can get some sleep in your own bed!)


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