Monday, December 08, 2014

December 7-8

The jogging/walking path

Downtown Papeete
This morning we sailed into Papeete, Tahiti in French Polynesia. The view was cloudy but beautiful. From our balcony I saw wonderful boats, a lovely walking path and a charming church. This was on Sunday at about 6:00AM and there was lots of traffic. Luggage was being off-loaded and other crew were setting up the exit from the ship.
Setting up the exit

Samuel delivered our regular room service breakfast right on time and we cleared the cabin by about 7:45 and went to the Constellation Theater.  The place quickly filled up with folks waiting for buses to either hotels or the airport. When our Pink 1 tag was called we headed for the gangway just outside in the Atrium. The gangway was backed up and slow because it was so steep down to the pier.
Off Loading luggage

Jim went ahead to the bus and I waited for a wheel chair- having done the same twisty thing to my hip I did a few days ago. There was a group of local folks singing and giving out flowers. Helped set the stage for stepping  onto the ground in Tahiti.

The distance from the ship through the luggage collection tents and onto the bus was quite long so I was grateful for the assistance. Jim had gotten on the bus and was pooped from the experience. But we were headed for a Radisson Resort and knew things would get better. Were we surprised!!!!

Got off the bus at the hotel and after waiting in line Jim came away with a room key and a receipt for a tour that left 15 minutes before we got there. Leigh had been trying to book us a half day tour through the hotel’s Activity Desk and the person was terribly non-responsive. As we wandered toward our room, Tevai- the Activity Desk person- came to say we had a tour just now. We had wanted a private, drive around the island tour. This was one with 8 people and was right then. We declined and continued our room search.

There was no hotel map, no directions from the front desk so we wandered off looking for room 1205. We finally found an elevator and saw a young man who was a hotel guest who said go up to our room. We did. Got off the elevator to find no rooms but two chairs.  So we sat to see what we might try next and a young woman appeared who actually worked at the hotel. She led us back to the elevator and we went down to ground level and walked and walked to the last building on the property. Took another elevator up two floors and then to the last room on the hall.  We were grateful for her help.

It is a nice room and the sound of the surf is wonderful. The view is pretty spectacular, BUT we
couldn’t get the phone to work. Jim finally went back the long distance to the front desk and the man promised to send a technician. Tevia called again to say she had booked a tour at 1:45 with the group and we said “no thanks.” Coming through town you could tell because this is Sunday not much was open and we had decided to just hang out and read.

We had a wonderful time watch several young men body surfing and skimming across the surf. Some were overwhelmed by the power of the surf and the size of the waves. We even saw a young guy almost lose his bathing suit as he was stood up after being swept under by the waves. What fun!

Then we tried to get on the Internet and couldn’t make it work. Jim went back to the front desk and learned that the free WiFi is only in the lobby and restaurant but isn’t working today anyway. They did send a phone guy finally and it seems none of the buttons work of the phone because there is no system for the phone buttons. The technician told me the numbers to call for room service and reception so we no longer feel like prisoners in a great room with a view and that is about all.  Jim had to go to the front desk three times- #1 to say phone didn’t work; #2 to register a credit card because they forgot to ask at check-in and the front desk said no need for that; #3 after we ordered room service wine, it was delivered and then the guy came back to say we needed to go register a credit card. He did discover the restaurant and we went for a late lunch/early supper at about 5:30. Bedtime was early because we had to be up at 3:30 for the bus to take us to the airport. 

Turns out the bus was a mini-van and there were 8 of us. Mini-van was from a tour company and it had no running boards, no handles to grab and no step stool. I finally asked to borrow a rolling luggage cart  and three of us used that as a step stool to get into the van. If we had had any luggage this wouldn’t have worked at all. As Jim said it was like Mr Toad’s Wild Ride to the airport.

Pretty rough ending for our Pacific Wonders cruise…but then again I guess the word “wonder” could have a positive or negative meaning.

BUT flying Air Tahiti Nui was wonderful. Several firsts- the flight attendants looked sharp in their suit kind of uniforms- navy and teal but then while serving meals and flying they changed to print cotton dresses and casual shirts. The food was wonderful and plentiful. Everything- uniforms, china, napkins, linens, wall covering were coordinated with the lovely flower from Tahiti. There was art (prints) hanging in the Business Cabin- one even of some topless Tahitian dancers.  Still a long flight but very pleasant!

Now we are safely and snuggly in an Embassy Suites near LAX. Tomorrow we fly to Berkeley to visit cousins.  Looking forward to that!


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