Monday, December 19, 2016

Celebrating Christmas and New Year's At Sea

We are off for the holidays aboard the Regent Ship Mariner. Our bags are packed and we are ready to go. 

We drive to Miami tomorrow and stay in the Embassy Suites about 8 miles from the port for one night. Our terrific travel agent and wonderful friend, Leigh Berghane, found this hotel with a great parking deal- free for 7 nights and then $8.00 a night for the rest of the time. Way cheaper than paying to park at the port. 

We sail from Miami and return to Miami on January 4, 2017. Much of where we will be is VERY familiar territory for us but you never know when you might discover something new in an old port. We will be going to two new ports- Cartagena, Columbia and Colon, Panama. We've been through the Panama Canal twice but never before have put our feet on that ground. 

This will be our 45th cruise accounting for 495 days on cruise ships. Everyone has been memorable and fun. The world is an amazing place to see and we are so fortunate to have seen so much of it. 

We'll be thinking of friends and family as we sail....and we'll be enjoying leaving the cooking and cleaning up to the terrific Regent staff and crew members. We'll even be enjoying their entertainment and wine! 😁😁


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