Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Day- St. Kitts

Merry Christmas from St. Kitts!
Moon as we sailed from St. Barts

Had a really fun dinner with David and Marie from Boston and friends Grace and Maureen who winter in Vero Beach. They met on a cruise years ago and love traveling together. In the summer Grace lives outside Boston and Maureen in Michigan. We made plans to share dinner in a couple nights to celebrate Marie’s birthday.

The almost full moon was lovely as we sailed away toward St. Kitts.

Music in the bar was festive and people were enjoying listening and dancing.  There was a lovely Christmas Concert featuring many of the crew and staff. Still not sure if that is fair to those folks who work so hard and I would hope participation is voluntary and not demanded.
Smooth sailing into St. Kitts. None of these night sails are very far and thank goodness today the sea seems calm. Every set of folks we talk to mention the warm weather at their home for this time of year and the rough Caribbean waters. One wonders how it all might be connected. Guess it is El Nino!

St Kitts from our balcony
The small mountain we can see is covered off and on with fog. Rain keeps spitting and then stopping. The sight of both ends of a rainbow was magical- sort of giving a blessing to this special day.
We are docked at the port of Basseterre on the southwest coast of St. Kitts. Basseterre is one of the oldest towns in the eastern Caribbean. Founded in the early 17th century by the French, the port served as the capital of the French colony of Saint-Christophe, and then became the capital of the entire island. ”St Kitts and Nevis”, this two island country, is the smallest in the Americas in both population and area. Despite this, the island is incredibly rich in culture and attractions.
Because of the volcanic nature of the island, beaches feature both black and white sand. We’ll not explore the beaches but plan to see what else we might do.
Took two tug boats to nudge us into place and naturally the Pilot boat was all around waiting on the Pilot to leave us and come aboard that little boat.
Our room service breakfast arrived right on time and contained a tasty surprise. We always have omelets, bacon and croissants. The bread basket also contained two slices of wonderful German Christmas bread- moist and fruity. Great taste and reminder of the three Christmases we spent in Germany so long ago.
There is a Christmas family celebration this morning with, naturally, the arrival of Santa Claus.  Someone told us there are 12 children aboard for this cruise. We’ve seen most of them. Someone else had seen a man with a long white beard and decided the cruise ship has him to be the Santa this morning. Not bad- a 16 day cruise for 1 day of work.

Christmas Necklace
Missing family and friends this Christmas Day, but so happy to be hanging out in such a lovely spot of the world aboard a charming ship…with no cooking or cleaning to do! 

Reminded of stars, angels, a baby and most of all love that came down at Christmas! Have a joy filled day….from us to you!

Life is good!


At 3:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Miss you, but love reading about your adventures! Glad the food, company and weather are all fabulous. Would love to see those black sand beaches this Christmas morning! that all sounds incredibly wonderful.
We have had a quiet day - except for the raucous game of risk that never seems to end (I don't know what Santa was thinking!) Who knew pacifist Christopher would be so good at Risk?! And the pinball mania! Big fun. We have the third floor all ready for the much anticipated arrival of your wonderful, generous present. We can't wait! and I think the timing is going to actually work out really well after all. so thank you, thank you!!!
Been remembering so many wonderful Christmases with you!
Love, Kathryn

At 8:13 PM, Blogger Bill Kemp said...

Merry Christmas -- a little late I admit. All I did was turn around and Christmas was here. Will "talk" more later. In the meantime, no more rock and roll!


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