Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Getting Aboard

Cruise Itinerary
Our trip in the red Rudolph decorated van was fun and easy.We left home right on time and arrive at Sunnyside to pick up Ardis Rea and Natalie Marsh- our traveling companions. They were ready and off we went. Had a little trouble getting headed in the right direction but after several tries we headed east on Highway 70.

Stopped for lunch in real gourmet place in Arcadia- Wheeler's Cafe. Clearly a local hangout with a sign over the door declaring Jesus & Sweet Tea. Not sure of the connection at all. Here is Jim and you can tall how thrilled he was with the whole experience.
We got back on the road and drove with fields and fields of sugar cane and cabbages on either side of the road. The drive was calm on Highway 27. We arrived at Port Everglades at about 5:00,  unloaded the luggage, parked the car and entered the terminal. Boarding was not to begin until 6:00 but the first floor holding place was already filled with about 50 people.  A port person came bringing some extra chairs and people begin to arrive. All together this was the wildest and most disorganized embarkation we have ever experienced. Long lines for the one security screener that was open, long lines at the ship to turn in passports and get room keys, and tons of misinformation.

First we were told that there would be no official dinner in the dining room and food and drinks would be available in the lounges.So we were deciding where to go but it all looked mobbed.

The DBD (Dreaded Boat Drill) was announced at 7:50 so we gathered our life jackets and headed to our assembly spot. Ran into Kathryn, Christopher and Ella who had come to the wrong place. Boat drill was the usual but included something we have never experienced- show us how to hold our noses and step off the ship if boats were not available. NOT TOO COMFORTING!

Kathryn & Natalie
Got back to our cabin and I called the front desk to see how long food would be available. We learned they had just decided to open the dining room with a limited menu dinner. So at 8:30 the dining room opened serving burgers, ham and cheese sandwiches and salads. Christopher texted they were already there and had gotten a table for 8 so our little group gathered and the laughter began.

Kathryn, Will, Christopher and Natalie went to the entertainment. We went to get unpacked and settle in. Just about the time we were done with unpacking Will came by for a visit. We were off to bed about 11:30.

This will be a very different experience but as always it will be what we make of it- including lots of fun.


At 5:09 AM, Blogger Sue Moore said...

I pray that the rest of the trip makes up for the harried beginning. You'll have to tell us all (privately) how you went in the wrong direction at the start of your drive. Have fun!


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