Monday, June 30, 2008

June 30- Ny Alesund, Norway

In the early evening last night, the 29th,  we went to a Bond 007 Martini Party. The event included clips from James Bond movies, any kind of martini anyone could want, and presentations by the Orchestra, singer and dancers of music from Bond movies. Do like this cruise line where everything is included. So nice to call and order a bottle of wine, it is delivered,opened, and there is no ticket to sign for the wine. Now we did pay a lot in the beginning, but this feels really good to us!

Later in the evening we had a wonderful dinner at Signatures restaurant, one of the specialty restaurants on this ship. Had another grand meal and an even grander desert presentation. This was a great anniversary celebration!

The sailing this morning was spectacular. Rugged mountains covered in snow, golden sky, birds flying by- what a sight! Last evenings sailing was a bit on the rough side but we slept like babies in a hammock being gently rocked. 

This morning we went to a lecture about the life of Hans Christian Andersen. She did a great job of telling a story that made his life come alive...however it was a sad life. We planned to hear the next lecture but it was so very, very cold in the Constellation Theater that we got coffee at the Coffee Corner and went to the cabin to read.

Today we sailed into the town- 35 citizens- that has the northern most post office in the world. This is part of the island group called Svalbard that is part of Norway but is way north of the mainland of Norway and very north of the Arctic Circle. Mostly this is a spot for weather researchers. At the present Norway, the Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, South Korea, and China all maintain research stations at Ny Alesund...although they are not all inhabited all year. Cannot imagine what this place would be like in the winter.

Our next pause was in Magdalenefjord. During the 1600s whale boats by the hundreds could be seen bobbing about in this area. Tonight the Captain honored the request of the Governor who believes that the playing of music and serving of alcohol conflicts with concerns of respect that apply to Gravnesodden where many whales died, many whalers died and were buried and long before people figured out that there in care of the environment but not much!. On the Pool Deck while we are in that area there will be no music and no alcohol served. All of this, according to the law, is not to diminish the general public's experience of Svalbard's wilderness.

This is a beautiful and remote area of the world!


At 5:55 PM, Blogger Christopher said...

Was that an ice sculpture in your picture? Mommy thinks it was. But if it was ice, how did they get blue lights in it? and what was it a sculpture of?

Can't believe you went by a town of 35 people. that is the size of classroom A plus a few teachers!

Mommy wants to know what the "grander dessert" was.

Can you tell us what the weather research stations look like? what are they studying about? Do you know if they are studying the Earth getting warmer? We learned about that at school.

Tonight we played a game of singing row row row your boat and leaving out another word each time in honor of your big boat ride. Maybe if we can ichat we can do that together. Even Ella joined in the fun.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU,HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY GRANDMOMMY AND GRANDDADDY, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU! (Christopher is singing this to the tune of the happy birthday song -- wish you could hear it)

Can't wait for granny camp - and to see all your pictures!


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