Sunday, July 19, 2009

Civitavecchai-July 18

As announced we docked back in Civitavecchai at about 6:00 AM. This is the mid-point for our cruise and the end for some other passengers. Staff and crew were quiet as the luggage was removed. It was very, very windy and the waves were breaking over the sea wall. From our balcony you could see the bunkering platform/barge and a small boat tied up to connect us to the fuel lines and refuel the Noordam. Sure glad we are not the only ones paying the fuel bill for this ship because it must

be beyond belief. The man watching over the process hopped on and off the fuel barge with great agility as water sloshed over the barge. Some of the time he was also smoking- and I thought that was a bit risky. Jim said they use practically pure crude oil so any fire issues were not likely.

Last evening we got a copy of the Cruise Log that let us know

we had traveled a total of 2388 nautical miles in mostly calm seas. A nautical mile is 1.15 of regular miles- just in case you wondered.

The staff and crew were busy cleaning cabins and the public areas. The fire doors were closed and there were wooden panels along the walls to protect the wall

covering from the luggage being transported each way. The whole cleaning and ship turn around process was handled with ease…..easy for me to say since I just watched and read.

About the time we were awakening a US Navy Destroyer was being nudged into port across the way. The decks were filled with white uniformed sailors standing at attention. Felt good to see Old Glory waving proudly.

The Crow’s Nest is the bar and also observation spot on Deck 10. The front

row seats are large

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leather recliners that make for a great place to observe the port and the sea. It is also a wonderful place for a time

of reading that can easily turn into a nap.

Many people travel by car ferry judging by the traffic in and out of the port of many different ferry lines. Our favorite was the one named Moby and the ferry sported huge likenesses of many Looney Tunes characters- Tasmanian Devil, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Ducky,

Tweety Bird and others. Each ferry that sailed by us had lots of folks on the decks waving.

One of the coolest things for all of us was NOT to have to attend the boat drill. Since we had done it at the beginning of the first part of the cruise we were spared standing on the deck and watching the "how to put on a life jacket" demonstration- especially since all passengers are already wearing their life jackets. We sipped wine and laughed!

At the end of the evening the color in the sky behind a small island was so beautiful. What a wonderful world!


At 12:10 PM, Blogger Kathryn said...

We love the bar stools! They look like fish that have jumped out of the water. and the brass dolphins were really faannnntaasssticccc!
Christopher has been playing giant chess at Camp. How big are the chess pieces on the set on the ship? The ones at camp are about as tall as Christopher's waist.
We really liked the loony tunes ferry - but who wants to ride on a loony ferry?It is too bad you didnt have a picture of your boat getting gas - we would have liked to see that. and Christopher is very curious about how they "turn around" the boat.
Excellent pictures of Stromboli. We hope to see that ourselves some day. Was that your ship in the background of the photo?
The crows nest looks very comfy. Christopher wants to know why it is called the crows nest? Do you have crows on your ship?
We hope you have a good ten more days of your trip. Can't wait to see you in August!
Kathryn and Christopher.

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Kathryn said...

Whoops - we meant was that your ship in the background of the photo of Kusadasi?


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