Saturday, February 05, 2011

Lazy Sunday with Interesting Conversation

Had a wonderful dinner of pizza- even an Indian pizza-New Delhi Pizza with Tandoori chicken, garlic and a yogurt/cucumber sauce. Great restaurant and they deliver!

We then spent the evening watching the movie, The Inlaws. Much laughter could be heard. Off to bed. It was still really, really hot. Thank goodness for air conditioning.

Jim and Jack reading on the porch
Morning found Jack, Jim and I up at about the same time. We sat on the porch and had a nice quiet time of reading. Jack was especially enjoying a book, Meanwhile, that lets the reader create many different stories based on options chosen. We gave him that book a few months ago and I am so glad he is enjoying it.

The sounds of the birds were still amazing. We tried without success to identify the variety of sounds.

Ethan quietly reads
Ethan was also reading in his bedroom. Bill and Michael were still sleeping. Was really fun to have time for everyone to do what made them comfortable.

Katherine was already up and returned from a walk in the neighborhood. The heat is beginning to rise so we came in from the porch and ate breakfast. Strange to have cereal where the boxes look very familiar but the words are different.

Michael and breakfast
Michael had to go to school for play practice so he had to be awakened and quickly ate his breakfast. Off with his lunch for 4 hours of play practice. 

So many folks have asked the question about the water in the drain here in the southern hemisphere. The function is called the Coriolis effect, a physics term, whereby a mass moving in a rotating system experiences a force acting perpendicular to the direction of motion and to the axis of rotation. On the earth, the effect tends to deflect moving objects to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern. The scientific minds in this household said in small masses like water in the toilet or the drain are more effected by the shape and tilt of the drain. We observed the toilet and the kitchen sink and found there to be no consistent pattern. Where the effect is really seen is in weather. Hurricanes in the northern hemisphere move to the right. The same kind of weather system is called a cyclone in the southern hemisphere and moves to the left. So the question about water in the drain has been observed and answered....and we hope we don't get to observe or experience a cyclone to see for ourselves.


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