Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 20- Day One AT Sea

Awoke to rolling seas and crashing waves. The wind is howling and the sky is gray. We are thankful for a cozy place to hangout and watch the world go by.  Samuel, our butler, who is from Goa, India, delivered our breakfast right on time. As always it was exactly what we ordered and it was tasty and hot. The food was accompanied by our copy of USAToday- except it was USAYesterday which we had read but we read it again just to see what we missed.

The rolling sea and the lingering cough caused me to stay put in the suite for the morning, but Jim went to the theater to hear a lecture about floating garbage in the ocean. Wasn’t the most uplifting topic for the first lecture and so early in the morning. Jim said it was very academic- filled with lots of facts like it take 400 years for a plastic bottle and 20 years for a plastic bag to disintegrate in the ocean.

The Sofa and seating area

Our Penthouse Suite on the Mariner is very comfortable- 376 sq. ft with a balcony of 73 sq.ft. It is nicely appointed with a large sofa, footstool, chair at the desk, stool at the dressing table, and bench at the foot of the bed The bed is very, very comfortable. The seating arrangement in the living area is terrific for conversation, movie and TV watching, and game playing.
Our comfortable bed

The closet is a good sized walk-in closet with more storage space than we could ever use. We were saying last night, in our earlier days we would have traveled with lots more stuff but we just don’t do that anymore.
The desk area with the TV and refrigerator also has lots of storage for our stuff, bar glasses, an iPod dock, binoculars, fancy coffee maker and a lovely bowl of fruit.

The Dressing Table

Lunch was served in the Compass Rose and the afternoon was spent watching a movie and reading. What a lazy life!!!
Went to dinner and sat with an interesting couple from Oklahoma who only began cruising 10 years ago and haven’t missed many spots since then. We had a fun time comparing notes about travel experiences.
Desk, TV and Refrigerato

Jim went to the show- which was to be one of those musical reviews. I decided to stay put. He was back fairly quickly because they postponed the show until another evening because of the rough seas- not so good for the dancers I guess. A comedian was the substitute entertainment and apparently his first lines were so terrible Jim left and came home.

The clocks were rolled back an hour this evening- making us be 4 hours behind home. Off to bed we went!!!!


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