Thursday, December 17, 2015

Getting Ready to GO

When I was a Freshman in college I wrote an essay entitled "Victim of a GO Bug." At the time it seemed a clever title and a great concept.  As life has gone on these many years past that essay it seems it may have been a statement also of a philosophy of life. My parents were travelers- not in the luxury cruise way- but in the more basic travel ways- train, car, bus and boat....all for transportation and not fancy. Jim's Mom was a wonderful traveler.

Cruising the Yangtze River in China
New Year's Day- April 2005 in Thailand
 Around the piano in my home growing up we often sang the popular song, "Those Far Away Places" reminding us they had strange sounding names. We sang of "going to China and maybe Siam - I want to see for myself." AND Jim and I have been to China and Siam (Thailand) and seen for ourselves. What a joy ! What a blessing! What a gift to be able to see exotic places, sample unusual food, view historic sights, and learn a bit about other cultures. Travel gives an opportunity to learn, the gain insight about others and to grow in appreciation for the many ways life is good!

At the Giza pyramids in Cairo, Egypt
Travel gives the traveler a sense of history as the Pyramids or the Great Wall of China are viewed.

I am curious about all of the world and have always been that. Jim says I would "go to hell" if it was a round trip just so I could see. He just might be right.

We have visited 89 countries and islands around the globe. We have put our feet on 6 continents and sailed around Antarctica. This cruise will be our 44th cruise meaning that we have been aboard cruise ships for a total of 479 days. 
Taj Mahal in India

So as the packing begins and the last minute preparations start we are getting ready for another adventure...for one never knows what lies ahead. It is fun to prepare and anticipate and I plan to write about whatever we see and experience.
Here goes the victim of the GO bug once again.


At 4:45 AM, Blogger Sue Moore said...

Traveling mercies. I look forward to following you vicariously through your blog.


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