Thursday, December 20, 2018

A Day At Sea

Jim with his breakfast
Slept fairly good last night.  Awoke at 8:00 with an announcement concerning lost luggage. Asked anyone who might have luggage in their cabin that doesn't belong to them to please call the front desk. Guess someone is without a bag.

Room Service breakfast arrived right on time at 8:30 ad we had him set it up on the balcony. Was wonderful. There were lots and lots of flying fish jumping in and out of the water. Really fun to watch. Breakfast was just what we ordered and it was wonderful to eat while the world passed by.

Had a relaxing morning with the Cheek/Barnett crowd dropping by to visit. Christopher came and helped take the wreaths to the cabin doors and hang them. They look very festive and we seem to be the only people on the ship with any Christmas spirit....or at least with their cabin doors decorated.

We ended up just before lunch with all the stockings hung. And off we went to lunch. This ship- in the interest of not preparing so much food to be wasted has you decide in the morning what you would choose from the menu for lunch and dinner. Seems really smart to me.

We sat at a great table for 8 right by the front of the dining room. Gerald , our server, said we could pretty much have that table.

Ella, and Kathryn playing Pictionary
Kathryn and Christopher
We discovered the Coral Lounge just up from our cabin and we played Pictionary there. Throughout the day we played Pictionary, Scrabble and then Taboo with a combination of people. Kathryn, Ella, Christopher and Elaine played Pictionary. Kathryn, Ella, Elaine, Christopher and Jim played Scrabble. Then we met a new friend, Karen, who had been working a puzzle but laughing at all our antics, and she join Kathryn, Ella, and Elaine to play Taboo. Will was having fun reading in the news place we found to play games- the Game Room/Library on the 4th deck.
Ardis and Christopher

What great fun!

After lunch we all gathered in the Atlantic Lounge and heard the first lecture by a university professor, Richard, entitled "The Cuban Revolution: Triumphs and Tragedies." He was very informative but not too entertaining. The room was packed!!! As the time went on it got very warm.

The crowd gathered at 4:00 in our cabin to decorate the Christmas Tree. We had great fun adding the felt ornaments to the felt tree. AND the stockings were hung by the tree with care! I guess we are all assuming we have been "good little girls and boys."

Dinner was another delightful time together with much conversation and laughter! The evening ended with a lovely sunset and a terrific time in the Game Room.


At 5:19 AM, Blogger Sue Moore said...

This sounds like a perfect first day at sea. I'm sure you are the most creative person on the ship with your wreaths, stockings and even a tree. Have fun! Glad the first day was better than the boarding experience.

At 7:28 AM, Blogger Jim and Elaine Barnett said...

Thanks, Sue. The first day with the loading mess made Jim think we should just go home. Glad we weren't that reactive!


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