Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Monaco- July 20

The Principality of Monaco is a fantasyland of perfectly groomed streets, lush gardens, chic shopping and beautiful 19th century palaces. Fancy apartments and condos rise up the steep hillside. The palace and the cathedral dominate the skyline and the beautiful blue of the Mediterranean frames the whole scene.

Monaco owes its renowned principality to its Grand Casino. Source of countless legends, the Casino was instituted in 1878 by Charles III to save himself from bankruptcy. Due to the huge success of the Monte Carlo Casino, Charles was

then able to save himself, his principality and to abolish taxation for all the people.

The Grimaldi family turned the single square mile into a prized piece of real estate. A Genoese family, the Grimaldis rose to prominence in the 12th century when the leading son so impressed local leadership, he was sent to represent the Maritime Republic in the courts of German Emperor Frederick II and Byzantine ruler, Manuel Commenus. His descendants aided Genoa by defending a stronghold on the Rock of Monaco and in 1297, François Grimaldi a small faction to settle in the fortress on the Rock to escape turmoil in Genoa. Monaco was often embroiled in war and there were frequent pirate attacks but the clever Grimaldis usually managed to play one side against the other for advantage. In the 17th century, the French king granted Honoré Grimaldi II the title of “prince” in return for a pledge of French al

legiance. He transformed his castle into a palace. Priceless painting, tapestries and furniture are in the Palais Princier.

In 1956 the actress Grace Kelly married the prince and Monaco became even more famous in the US. There is a lovely portrait of Princess Grace and Prince Ranier with their children in the Palace. The royal couple is buried in the Monaco Cathedral and their son Albert II is now the ruler.

We saw more expensive yachts

of all sizes than you could believe existed. Some yachts were the size of small cruiseliners. We saw lots of sailing ships. For sure and certain this is the playground of the rich and famous.

Bill and Lucy explored the two towns of Nice and Eze on the French Riviera and Pat and Jerry took a tour of Monte Carlo. They learned how very expensive the real estate is in anyone of these communities. It is still curious to me that the Casino saved the principality from bankruptcy. There is a 10 Euro admission fee charged to go in and you have to be properly dressed to go in. So they did work out an arrangement for the citizens of Monaco to live, not pay taxes, and have tourists foot the bill.


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