Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday At Sea

This is the sunset from Thursday evening. We waited to watch the sun go down and then we went down for our dinner at Signatures Restaurant, a Cordon Bleu Restaurant. The food was wonderful and the service was perfect. These special restaurants do not cost extra but you are limited as to how often you can go.

Jim went to check out the dance how entertainment and decided to read. He didn’t make it very long at the show, so we had a good conversation before we headed for bed.

Got up about 6:30 this morning and went to our balcony to watch the sea and read. The weather was warm and the sea calm. Suddenly I heard a slapping sound and low and behold there was a huge gray creature rolling around near the ship. I think it was a gray whale. What a terrific treat for the morning.

Jim got up about 7:30 and we went to the Compass Rose for breakfast. Jim came back to the stateroom and I went to hear the lecture about Bar Harbor. She had lots of information but we are set with our visit to Acadia National Park and a Lobster Lunch.

The 10:00 lecture was part of the PTV at Sea with Michael Kantor. He featured his other series about comedy. The clips he showed were funny and interesting. Mae West was such an interesting focus. Her slightly off-color humor was really funny. He said her lines were not terrible but her delivery gave it controversial. “A hard man is good to find.” “Is that a gun in your pocket or are you glad to see me?” “I used to be snow white but then I drifted.” “This is a girl who climbed the ladder of success one wrong at a time.” He told a funny story about a hat check girl saying to Mae West, “Goodness, those are beautiful diamonds.” AND Mae West said, “My dear, goodness had nothing to do with it.” She went to jail twice for suggestive moves in movies.”

He also talked about George Carlin, whose career focused on word play. He was famous for the words you can’t say on TV and those oxymorons like “jumbo shrimp”….”military intelligence”….”plastic glass and on Steve Martin who made his career on being a “wild and crazy guy.”

The 11:00 lecture was about American artist. She was interesting but we both got really cold in the theater and left.

The Captain announced at noon that we have traveled 709 nautical miles from Ft. Lauderdale. We have 225 nautical miles to reach New York by 8:00 in the morning tomorrow, Saturday.

Another wonderful day at sea! How lazy can we be?!?!?!?


At 4:41 PM, Blogger Kathy said...

A gray whale! Wow! And I thought whales were reserved for Hawaii and Alaska!! The lecture on Mae West and George Carlin sounded great. Love Carlin especially and his bit about "stuff". I think your perspective on America from a cruise ship should be interesting! Can't wait. Also, NYC has Eileen Fisher in Soho -- I'd be going there!

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Sue Moore said...

Wow - I've missed reading your blog for just a couple of days and needed a nap in between entries - LOL. I got in trouble in a sermon once when I referred to "military Intelligence" as an oxymoron, even after I gave the disclaimer that I came from a military family. I thought it was hilarious, but one die-hard Marine was offended. Only in the church.... Keep on having fun and drinking good wine! Miss you already.


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