Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12- Aboard the Voyager

Our trip across the state in the bright red Camry was swift and uneventful. Jim loaded the luggage- three pieces of red luggage to go with the bright red Camry. We locked the front door and hoped we have left everything in good shape for the Helgason's from Iceland.

Traffic wasn't bad. The weather was hot and the sky was blue. We arrived in Ft. Lauderdale, dropped our luggage at the port, went to the airport, walked a long, long way to catch the shuttle to the port, and arrived at the ship. Had to fill out the now familiar form about having a runny nose or tell me who on earth would come that far and say "yes" to any of these things.

Ate lunch on the 11th deck and then went to our stateroom. Flowers, champagne and a great view awaited us. Chatted with folks from Sarasota and Venice.

Our luggage arrived one piece at a time which let us unpack at somewhat of a liesurely pace. The boat drill happened at 5:15 and at least we got to hear the announcements and the silly instructions about putting on your life jacket when we were already wearing them without having to be standing on the deck.

We cleaned up for dinner being grateful for the separate from the tub glass-enclosed shower that doesn't have a shower curtain that sticks to your seat. We got wine and watched the sail away and then went to dinner. We sat with a couple who live in Dallas, Texas and London and a Mom and daughter who live in New Jersey and NYC. All of us had great travel stories o share.

Jim went to the entertainment. I kept talking to the people at our table and then came back to our stateroom. We had a wonderful surprise gift from Regent as a thank-you- a digital picture frame. What a great way to remember our trip. This cruise line does things so classy!

This is a Public Television Cruise so the lectures look really interesting. Off to bed to get up and listen and learn.


At 8:17 PM, Blogger Kathy said...

Of course, we are jealous. But someone else told us that the Chinese explorers were some of the first discoverers of America. What did you learn on that?? Glad you are safely aboard and have met some nice folks. In the meantime, we are waiting for your installments!

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Jim and Elaine Barnett said...

Kathy, The book 1421, The Year the Chinese Discovered America will get your interested.


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