Monday, December 26, 2016

San Tomás Castilla, Guatemala- December 26

San Tomás Castilla is Guatemala’s primary deepwater port. Belgium immigrants settled Santo Tomás in the 19th century, but little remains today of that heritage. Santo Tomás has experienced a small revitalization as the country’s most important port receiving growing numbers of cargo and cruise ships, and serving as the headquarters of the Guatemalan navy.

Not too far from the town are the impressive Mayan ruins of Tikal and Copán. These communities were established as early as 600 BC with Tikal being established in 200 BC. By 500AD it is estimated that the city covered more than 18 square miles and had a population close to 100,000. Having seen Mayan ruins in several places we decided to not take a shore excursion. 

Jim did get off the ship to explore a market right on the pier. Vendors were very aggressive. He remarked that, “if you looked at them you had to marry them.” That phrase was taught to us by our guide in Agri, India and it has often been true  in our travels. Loving this pampered life.


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