Monday, June 05, 2017

June 3rd- Leaving London for Southampton

Haven't been able to post until I learned I had to go to the Business Center. Hope this works. And actually this morning -June 6th I was amazingly able to get on and post pictures. Hope it lasts.

June 3rd was the day for good-byes and then hellos. We had a yummy breakfast of eggs, toast and tea prepared by Bill. Then we got our stuff assembled, tagged our bags and prepared to say good bye to this part of our family. …and we waited for the driver. Sinj appeared right on time. Bill, Katherine and boys took our luggage down the steps and we hugged and waved  good-bye.

I did forget in the last post about The Cotswolds to write about the funny encounter Ian, our guide, had with a British woman while we were at Bourton-on-the-Water. Ian found a tiny- 8 space parking lot by the river and we went in search of coffee and the loo. A spot opened up and so he decided to turn the car around so it would be easier to get out. He backed into the spot. Leaving a spot next to us empty. A lady/woman/ not happy person came and backed in parking. She was so close to our car that she couldn’t get out without climbing over and getting out the passenger door. She frowned and walked around to Ian’s window saying, “If you had just had the courtesy to park between the lines I wouldn’t have had to climb out the other side.” Ian said, “If you’ll notice I am within the lines.” She then said, “Well, that is just ‘pig ignorant’.” As she walked away Ian smiled and said, “You have a good day.”

Southampton Port
The journey to Southampton took about 2 hours with mixed traffic= sometimes light and most times bumper-to-bumper.  Had trouble finding the right Berth but got there and quickly checked in and got aboard. Had a tasty lunch at the Pool Grill and enjoyed the lovely new ship. Pictures will follow tomorrow. At about 1:30 we went to our Suite. Both suitcases arrived in a few minutes and are now unpacked and stored under the bed.

Jim at the Pool Grill
The DBD- Dreaded Boat Drill- was actually civilized this time. We were to muster in the theater so we took life jackets in hand and headed in that direction. We had asked for permission to use the elevator rather than the stairs. And we also sat in the back of the theater. After the normal announcements and the life demonstration we learned we were not to go out to the boats but there would be a simulation of that process. The staff person told us we could leave ahead of the crowd- Yea!!! Jim took the life jackets back to the suite and we met in the Explorers Lounge. Chatted with a couple from Stuart, Florida (Chuck and Chris)  and a couple from Bradenton who live at Tara Golf and Country Club (Karen and Jim) who were interested in learning about Water’s Edge.

Dinner in the Compass Rose was wonderful. The menu was another wow experience. In addition to the 6 main course choices  and the usual options the left side of the menu had food that is always available including about 6 different kinds of seafood  with 5-6 choices of ways to prepare it and 6 different kinds of meat with  also 5-6 different sauces and preparations. The charger plate and all the other china were beautiful Versace. Mark and Arianna were our servers. We had a table for two beside the window overlooking the Southampton Harbor. Perfect meal!

Back to our suite and settling in to watch the movie Miss Sloane. Couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day!


At 5:06 PM, Blogger iluvdogs said...

I'm glad you're back on line. Your boarding day sounds like it was easy and perfect. Especially having the new style boat drill. It was supposed to rain most of today but it ended up quite sunny.


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