Thursday, May 25, 2017

Jolly Ole England- Here We Come

Today we are packing our bags, getting some cash, and printing a bunch of documents for our journey tomorrow to London. We are flying out of Orlando on a British Airways direct flight to Gatwick. Thanks to Leigh Berghane (without a doubt the BEST Travel Agent in the world) for her help in getting all this arranged.  👍
Given all the security concerns it will be interesting to see how long and invasive the TSA process is. But we'd rather be safe.  We'll be spending a week with Bill, Katherine, Michael, Jack and Ethan Barnett in their flat on
West End Lane. We have some wonderful private tours of London and the surrounding countryside for whom ever in the crowd can go along. I cannot remember how many times we have been to London but it is still one of our favorite cities in the world. 

Given the tragic bombing in Manchester a couple of nights ago, it will also be interesting to see how security is in the iconic landmarks and historic places in London and the area around the city. 

We will leave June 3 for a trip to Southampton to get aboard the Regent Seven Seas newest ship SS Explorer for 11 nights around the British Isles. That was why I included the flag pictures which depict how the Union Jack developed to include the flags of Scotland, Ireland, and earlier flags of England. There will be several new ports on this cruise but the ship is also one of the reasons we wanted to do this cruise. Friends, Kathy and Bos Irvine 😂 were to be traveling with us on the cruise but had to cancel because of health concerns.😂

So I'll share what we learn and experience as we travel. 


At 6:38 PM, Blogger iluvdogs said...

The flag information was really interesting. Thanks for sharing it.


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