Monday, January 02, 2017

George Town, Grand Cayman Island

This has been a wonderful cruise even given the several nights and days of rough seas.  Company has been great, food terrific and the staff so cheerful and helpful. So thankful that we really don’t get seasick so there is no need for
medication or the stretch wristbands you see many folks wearing.

We are in George Town, the largest and most populous of the Cayman Islands- Grand Cayman. Something I read said it is the most popular cruise destination in the Western Caribbean.  There are three other cruise ships in the harbor- Disney, Costa and Carnival. This is our third time here.

We are in the George Town Harbor being kept stable and in place by the use of the engines. The tenders were lowered down about 7:30AM no doubt serving as an alarm clock for many aboard. The tenders drop people off at Harbour Drive right in the middle of the shopping district. The area is very charming and especially inviting if you are looking for the usual stuff- jewelry, watches, bamboo and Del Sol clothing. We are not looking for anything. 

Along Harbour Drive is the Elmslie Memorial United Church, named for the first Presbyterian missionary to serve in the Caymans. In front of the court house, more in the center of town, is the Wall of History where the names of important citizens are inscribed. It is a bustling area and each time I have been here I wondered just what it must be like when there are not many cruise ships in port and the town is calmer.  Today is no different for the streets are filled. This pirate-looking ship sailed around us all day and the harbor was guarded by 4 police boats all in a row.

One more day aboard and then we head home with memories of great sights seen, fun conversations shared and tasty food enjoyed. 


At 9:34 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

It looks beautiful! Glad you have had such a fun trip.



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