Friday, December 21, 2018

Another Day at Sea

Had a great evening talking and playing games after dinner. Our server Gerald now remembers what each of us drink and who wants ice cream with whatever dessert selected. It is so nice to not have to stop at a desk and get staterooms checked off and wait to be seated. We are at the old table set for eight and food is good, comes fast and Gerald is attentive.

We woke this morning- December 20th- to a bit of more swell in the ocean than the day before. The sky is a bight blue and the air is warm and breezy. We ate our breakfast on the balcony and watched the world go by.

We got a copy of the passenger list and were surprised to learn there are people from 26 states and 3 foreign countries among the passengers. I guess the mystery of Cuba fascinates people these days.

We spent the morning reading and visiting with Kathryn and Christopher and then Natalie and Ardis. Such fun to be so relaxed.

We all went down for lunch at about noon. Naps were calling several of us after lunch but Kathryn went to the Spanish 101 class. Mid afternoon we gathered for Pictionary - playing in the Coral Lounge. Then we played Taboo- Jim, Elaine, Kathryn and Ella. Ardis and Natalie came up about 4:00 and Natalie joined in a rousing game of Taboo. Natalie and Kathryn were one team and Ella and Elaine the other. Kathryn and Natalie bet Elaine and Ella by one point. Lots of fun- lots of laughter.

During the time in the Coral Lounge a couple came with their coffee to sit and read quietly. They noticed Will's Anna Maria Island t-shirt and  mentioned they live on the island, Before we could actually get more information they decided to leave. We felt bad but not enough to stop our fun!

We went down t dinner at 7:00. Tomorrow will be an early day in Santiago de Cuba so Ardis and Natalie decided to go to their cabin and go to sleep. We all gathered in OUR Coral Lounge and gave Will his birthday present. His birthday is tomorrow- the 21st- but we probably won't see them until we meet at the evening entertainment in town.

This is not the fanciest ship we have been aboard but the staff is really friendly and helpful and we are having a great time. 


At 6:14 PM, Blogger iluvdogs said...

Sounds like it's pretty much like Regent in regard to services but just on a smaller scale. Seems like there is lots to keep you all busy on sea days too. Love the stockings all hung on the wall. I expect to see them filled on Christmas Day. Will be interested in how you enjoyed your first day ashore. Tell Will we say happy birthday. He shares a birthday with Jared who turned 19 today. Glad to hear you've had nice weather. Yesterday and today have been NASTY. Yesterday endless, sometimes torrential, rain and today exceedingly strong winds with branches down and stuff all over the place. Skyway was closed all day -- maybe still is. One gust of wind measured at the bridge was 80mph. Things are supposed to settle down by tomorrow.
Enjoy your tour tomorrow -- I look forward to reading your blog about it.


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