Monday, February 07, 2011

Tuesday-February 8

The top of this post will claim that it is February 7, but here in Sydney it is February 8. The way to figure the time difference for you is to change your time from AM to PM
Ethan off to school
 and then count backward 4 more hours if you live in the Eastern Time Zone and 3 hours if you live in the Central Time Zone. The change happens this way when we are all in Daylight Savings Time. Under normal time the difference is only 2 or 1 additional hour after the AM/PM change. Making it even more complicated, here in Australia there are some cities that are in a 30 minute difference. Tomorrow when we fly to Alice Springs the time will be 1 1/2 hours behind Sydney time. Things really are different around here.

Jack with uniform and backpack
After the troops got off to school Katherine, Jim and I decided to go on a driving adventure to find the Woolworth Grocery Store. We left at about 10:30AM and made several passes to find the location that was near Military Road and the kids school. Given the one way streets and the difficulty spotting street signs....not to mention the wild took us three tries before we achieved success. Katherine did a great job of keeping her cool and keeping us off the freeway type roads.  She went to the grocery and Jim went to the wine store. I watched the people. In this small shopping area there were 4 different coffee shops almost beside each other. People zipped in and out of the stores and the small parking spaces.

We have decided that everything in Sydney is VERY expensive-perhaps more so than in London. The normal rental of the house where this part of the Barnett family lives is $2000- US dollars- a week. There is some sort of tax break and 1/2 gets deducted as pre-tax dollars but that is still a BIG amount. Food seems to be also very expensive. We had three pizzas and 2 small salads delivered for $80.00. One night we had wonderful Thai food delivered for the 4 adults and the cost was $109.00. So I guess we'll not complain about the cost of anything stateside again!

Tomorrow we begin a week of exploration so stay tuned for what we see and learn.


At 9:06 AM, Blogger Sue Moore said...

So glad to have finally had time and ability to read your blogs. Scroll down, read, scroll up - LOL. It sounds like you're relaxing, and that's what the doctor (and your myriad of friends) ordered, so that's good news. Thanks for including so many pictures. We can continue to live vicariously through you and Jim. Have fun!

At 12:02 PM, Blogger Jim and Elaine Barnett said...

Thanks, Sue- We are having fun!

At 3:50 PM, Blogger Sue Moore said...

Fires, flood and cyclones made the NBC nightly news. I pray, pray, pray that you are not impacted by them. Keep us posted.

At 3:50 PM, Blogger Sue Moore said...

Those fires, flood and cyclones were in Australia, obviously...


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