Friday, December 30, 2016

Puerto Limon, Costa Rica

Yesterday was a glorious, lazy day at sea. There was a bit of rocking and rolling with 11.5 ft. waves, but the water was a beautiful blue and the sky marked with just a few clouds. There was a breeze, which made it just perfect to sit on the balcony and read and read!! The breeze combined with the big waves sent lots of sea spray up as high as our balcony. This morning reveals a sliding door covered with salt crystals from all that spray. Cleaning for Glenda and Made will be a challenge this morning I would think.

Spent the afternoon yesterday watching “Hitler: The Rise of Evil”, a DVD Irvine had brought along. There were so many parts of that story that reminded us all of the promises and pronouncements made by Donald Trump and filled us with a level of dread as to what lies ahead for our country.
We had a delicious dinner at the special restaurant Prime 7. Wonderful food and an amazing dessert recommended to me by my friend Lucy Kemp. She was right- it was amazing!!!

The Captain had told us we would experience some rough water all evening and then as we got to the place to bring the pilot aboard in the morning the stabilizers would be withdrawn in
order not to damage the pilot boat and the sailing into port and docking would be jarring at times. She was absolutely right.
We are in the port of Puerto Limon- Costa Rica’s most important port. There were two ships being loaded and just outside the port area there were 6 other container ships waiting to come into the port.
Puerto Limon was founded in 1870 as a port city to export bananas and grains to various parts of the globe. One of the oldest cities on the continent, Puerto Limon was established in 1502 when Christopher Columbus landed. It is not considered a particularly touristy city but rather a stopover to head to the several National Parks around.

It is a really hot day and the walk to the buses is fairly long so we decided to just take another day to hangout and enjoy life in the comfort of our cabin. Even the balcony at the moment is too warm for me. BUT ALL IS GOOD!!! 


At 6:37 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Glad you had such a beautiful day at sea. Sounds wonderful!

At 2:34 PM, Blogger iluvdogs said...

Glad you liked the dessert. It was warm the day we were in Costa Rica too but we we're basically in a trees sheltered are for most of our tour. When is your canal trip?


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