Sunday, December 23, 2018

December 23- Casilda & Trinidad

The Casilda Terminal

We docked this morning at the VERY small port of Casilda. This is supposed to be a very strict port and as we arrived outside the terminal several agents could be seen overseeing the whole operation. Casilda is a popular area for fishing and snorkeling.  Once again temperature was taken of all who went a share. The town itself  is very modest, although the lecturer said there were some places to rent and a few restaurants. From our balcony it all looked very remote.

The town was founded in 1808 by Andres Valdes Pino. It is a consejo popular (people's council) of the municipality of Trinidad, Sancti Spiritus Province.

Trinidad is located about 5 miles to the north almost in the middle of the island coast line. It has a history that dates back for 500 years. It was connected with the European Sugar Trade and also Slave Trade. Both prospered until about 1860 when slavery was abolished in all of Cuba.

Yesterday the lecturer talked about how inefficient the mail service was in Cuba saying that it often takes 30 days for a postcard to get the the states from Cuba.

Trinidad is well preserved with most original architecture, tight, ending streets that are paved with cobblestones that were used as tallest on sailing ships coming to pick up Sugar cane. The restoration in the Old Town has been carefully supervised by the Cuban Government. It became a World Heritage Site in 1988.

The streets of the Old Town are tight and winding and seem a bit chaotic- according to those who were brave enough to walk down them.
Had a lovely morning reading and then met Natalie in the Library and she taught me a great mew card game- Manipulation . Not a lot of rules but lots of strategy involved.

Jim spent his morning catching up in email and enjoying the wonders of his iPad. Before we knew it it was time for lunch. The three of us ate with an interesting couple from Carmel, California. Ardis was already in the dining room so as her lunch ended she came to check in and show us the treasures she bought.

The afternoon was quietly spent reading and playing Manipulation. Even Jim played and we all had fun.

Kathryn at the Terminal
Ardis loved her half day tour and returned with gifts for her siblings. The all day crowd returned with tales to tell. Kathryn said they did take their temperature at the terminal to be sure they were not bringing some dread disease into the town.

They had a great time seeing a lovely museum and enjoying a huge buffet for lunch. Christopher says the town was interesting although smaller and with many more tourists with far least infrastructure  to support the town.

They- Will, Kathryn and Christopher-  then went Zip-Lining.

After they all returned we had a great catch-up visit, another round of Manipulation and then dinner. Great day. We sail away in the morning at 5:30 AM on Christmas Eve.


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