Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 29- Happy Anniversary

Old Town of Dubrovnik

Yesterday was such a wonderful day. We ate breakfast on the deck after the beautiful sail into Dubrovnik.  It was so relaxing to sit there, enjoy good food, and watch the city moving into action for the day.
For fifty years Jim and I have shared many, many meals and we both expressed our gratitude for our life together. On this day 50 years ago, Jim graduated from Davidson, got commissioned in the army and we got married. A lovely wedding was held at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Charlotte. We have been so fortunate!
 Who would have thought 50 years ago we would be able to come to this part of the world. And this is our third time in this charming city.
Cheeks and Barnetts were off to meet their guide for a half-day tour of old town and a cable car ride to the top of the mountain. They made connection with the guide and they were off. The cable car ride was great and old town was interesting. It was a little more facts than the little children had the patience for so at noon they asked to be on their own and they did their own thing. Will and Ella went to the aquarium and the rest of the crowd walked the ancient city wall. Actually to hear them tell it, it was more like a sprint. They had fun even though it was long and Ethan was not quite tall enough to even see over the top.
Kathryn and Will came back to the ship and put their two in Club Hal and went back into town fro some local wine and cheese. They had fun and thought this would be a good place to come for a longer stay.  The restaurant owner told them the town really got pleasant when the cruise ships left.
Bill and Kate came back and ate lunch in our special Neptune Lounge. Bill went to the Fitness Center and the younger Barnetts went swimming. All afternoon people popped in and out of our suite. The Cheek family arrived to enjoy the hot tub on our veranda. Then the hot tub was filled with the youngest grandchildren. The kids were so cute. Will got his speakers and we had lively music and even some fine dancing by Ella and Jack. They have really connected and are enjoying each other’s company. Jack even asked if you could marry your cousin.
Each family is enjoying this travel experience at their own pace- just exactly what we hoped would happen.

           As dinnertime approached we debated lots of options since the dinner the night before was way too long. Everybody decided to go to the Vista Dining Room anyway and thankfully they had solved whatever the problem was. Our food was great and service excellent. After dinner they brought a huge carrot cake and several of the wait staff sang a Pilipino wedding song. By that time Kathryn had taken the little guys to their suite to watch a movie but those who remained enjoyed the cake.

             People came in and out of our suite until about 10:00. It is wonderful to have all this space as a gathering spot. The cake was delivered and several people enjoyed pieces of the delicious bakery offering.  The clocks were set an hour ahead as we sailed toward Greece and we were off to bed.

Friday, June 29, 2012

At Sea on the 28th and Sailing into Dubvronik

Picture over the sofa in the Living Room
George and the Dragon-carved Walnut

We had a great day at sea yesterday, the 28th. Wonderful breakfast in the Pinnacle Restaurant- a special amenity for "suite people." Hung out in our wonderful suite as people dropped in to chat and play hide and seek- the kids of course. In the afternoon the four youngest children went to the Club Hal program which gave them a different fun time and gave the adults a chance to rest, chat, or read.  The art our temporary living space is beautiful. We keep discovering lovely and clever things about this suite. What a marvelous treat this is!
           We all had corsages and boutonnieres delivered for the first formal night. Everybody got all clean and shiny and looked terrific. Will brought his camera and took lots of pictures and so did the ships photographer. We sat at our regular table, 163, and the kids were served quickly. Ella and Christopher went to the Club Hal to build volcanos- which seemed appropriate since we had sailed by Stromboli in the morning.
This morning we sailed into Dubrovnik. The city began as a Roman settlement. History says from the Middle Ages it was a prize sought by Venice, Hungary, Turkey, and other’s who coveted the city’s logistical value as a maritime port. As we sailed in you could understand why people have for centuries deemed this the “Pearl of the Adriatic.” The part  called “old town” is a beautiful walled city that was settled in the 7th century. The name Dubvronik was adopted after WWI. It was a Turkish invention. The phrase “dubro-Venedik” means ‘Good Venice.’ The old city is rich in cultural and historical monuments. Last time we were here we thought it was almost an open-air museum of history.
Will and Jack

Will and Christopher
Bill watches the sail-in
As we sailed into Dubvronik, I watched Will and Jack on their balconies, then Bill and Kate, then Will and Christopher. Everybody seemed to be enjoying the scene. There were many different kinds of boats in the harbor where we docked. Lovely houses were spread all across the hillside. Today is Friday and already there was lots of activity to be seen.
The nine of the family are off on a tour of the old city together. Can't wait to hear what they have to say and what experiences they have.
Today is our anniversary and we plan to just hangout in our fabulous suite and share good memories about our 50 years together. Who would have ever imagined we'd be celebrating in such a magical place and with such marvelous people. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Getting Aboard the Noordam

Yesterday we left our home at the Hotel Mascagni and headed for Civitavecchia.  Everyone was in the lobby/bar area well before the 11:00 departure time and we waited. This is the first of the tours I arranged with Private Shore Trips and, as always, I was a bit nervous about it being what was promised. The bus-yes a real full-sized bus- rolled up to the hotel and the driver and hotel bellman helped load our luggage. With the whole bus to ourselves everybody got comfortable with lots of space and we watched the city of Rome move from historic monuments and wild traffic to just wild traffic on the Autostrade. Fields with newly harvested and rolled hay were on each side. Big fields of sunflowers reminded us of France and were so beautiful. The journey took about 90 minutes. And was so pleasant.
Living Room and Dining Room
The check in at the port was just the opposite- really wild and chaotic. We got number 24 and then I happened to ask if there was a special place for people with suites to check-in and a person escorted us to a place and basically we broke in line. Didn’t like that feeling but didn’t want to wait through the long line in the hot place. All they were able to say was this was a new terminal and they had never dealt with it before.  Didn’t make it any better. We waited a long time to be escorted by the Concierge to our Penthouse Suite. AND WOW!
By the time we got aboard, the other Barnett and Cheek Parties were off and gone  exploring the ship and finding lunch. We learned about the suite and then went to the special Neptune Lounge and grabbed a bit of lunch.  Luggage arrived and we began to unpack. Both families came by and the kids were back and forth AND all over the suite looking at this amazing space.
The time for the dreaded Boat Drill arrived and we headed for lifeboat 5. First time we have had a drill without having to wear life jackets. It has always seemed so silly to wear them and then have someone tell you how to put them on. The announcement said not to wear them to eliminate the chance of someone tripping over the straps as folks walked along.  After we were in place they did demonstrate how to put on a life jacket.
The drill was terribly long because a good number of people didn’t show up and they had to be sent for. I had taken my folding seat so I was OK. Jim stood for about 25 minutes and had to leave. It was really , really hot. The whole thing took 45 minutes and was made longer by a long announcement by the Captain. Sure would have been better to have all that as a printed announcement.

Buffet Table 
The Penthouse Suite has 1150 sq. ft and includes a living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom and an additional 1/2 bath. There is a kitchen and lovely pieces of art. We created door signs for each of our 4 cabins and someone added balloons to our door. 

Bathroom with jacuzzi Tub
The bathroom includes a shower and a jacuzzi tub. The face on the wall works like a fountain when water is turned on for the tub. Very classy. There is a big walk-in closet.

There is a great dressing table. Such wonderful space. There will be more pictures to come. 

Our suite  is becoming the place for all the family to hang-out and watch the world go by as we visit together. I feel so fortunate to be experiencing this time in such luxury. 

Dinner last night was in the Vista Dining Room. They were kind enough to arrange a table for 11 people each evening at 6:15. Kids were served first and ate quickly- seemed crazy to all of us. After dinner we slowly made our way home. Kids and some adults went to bed and other adults stayed late and chatted. What a great evening!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26-Rome

Ella and Jim with the iPad in the Bar
Ella and Kathryn after

Each family is experiencing Rome in their own style.  Kathryn, Will, Christopher and Ella had a great day yesterday in Pompeii with a guide. 

Bill, Kate, Michael, Jack and Ethan explored the major sights in Rome on foot, and Jim and I just hung out recovering from our travels.

Today, June 26, the Nashville folks went off with the guide from Rome Kids Tour to the Vatican and then the ancient sights. The Sydney side of the family went to the Vatican on their own and then to the Catacombs. Each group had great and different tales to tell. Travel is always in the eye of the beholder anyway and with so many pairs of eyes there was much reporting of different things seen.

Kathryn brought Ella back to the hotel so they could continue to enjoy the great guide and Ella could do a little iPad playing and we could have some “Ella time.” We had fun with her and all the rest of the two groups had fun doing their touristing.

Michael, Jack and Ethan
ready for dinner
Cousins chat and tell jokes
Franchesco, the Bar Manager
We gathered across the street at the St. Regis Grand Hotel’s fancy restaurant Vivenito for dinner. The concierge at our hotel stopped traffic so we could cross the busy  street and arrive safely. The restaurant manage Michelle was wonderful. Perfect table in the back room, beautifully appointed with linen table runners, blue stones and white starfish was our spot for the evening. He was so kind to offer to have prepared whatever the children wanted that was not on the very gourmet menu. Jack and Ethan ate Hamburgers and French Fries. Ella had her usual pasta with Parmesan, butter, pepper and salt. Dessert was wonderful, jokes were funny, and conversation was lively with almost everyone sharing something amazing they had seen on their travels today. Perfect ending to our time in Rome!!!!!

We ended the evening with the folks from Northern California who are wine makers with whom we shared time last evening. They are funny,  enjoyed their tours  and  are heading out on a cruise tomorrow on Oceania’s  Rivera.

Franchesco, the Bar Manager, was wonderful and created a terrific place to hangout. We all got good at that. 

Kids and parents in our family have probably been pushed to their limits but each one seemed to be so enthralled with the city and its beauty and history that they enjoyed the time. So far this celebration has been exactly what we hoped it would be!  

 Not the pushed to the limit part but the family fun together!!

Off to the ship tomorrow!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Thanks be to God, we have all arrived safely. Our flight was uneventful. The smiling Delta crew- many of the same folks- did all they could do to make it pleasant. Neither Jim nor I slept for very long but we both read and watched some stuff on the entertainment screen. Weather in Rome on this Monday morning was beautiful- not too hot and not much humidity. Luggage arrived. We transported a bag for Kate of winter clothes since they will be going back to winter in Australia. Our mini-van  driver was right where he was to be and we were off for a true Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride through the suburbs and center of the city of Rome.

I forget how loud the traffic in Rome can be. The cars, buses and motorcycles were racing. The horns were blaring. Several times ambulances raced by with their blue  lights flashing but not a single vehicle stopped nor slowed down for the emergency vehicle. Guess that is how life is in this city.

It does take my breath away to come from the airport, through the less attractive parts of town with graffiti everywhere and into a drive which has you surrounded by legendary sights.

The Hotel Mascagni is right in the center of all the famous monuments, fountains, steps and buildings.  Since we had paid for our room last night we could get right into it.  Will Cheek, Kathryn’s husband, came sauntering down the steps hoping for an extra key that would let some of the lights and the power stay on while they were either sleeping or away from the room. Apparently charging any sort of electronic will be a challenge. Bill said there were more plugs at their coach seat on Emirates Air than there are in the rooms. The room key, as in many European hotels, controls the electricity. You need the key to lock and reenter the room and therefore you can’t leave things charging. We are just too spoiled in the US and not so careful about waste.

Kathryn and her family were off for a day in Pompeii. Can’t wait to hear how it goes. We met Bill and his family in the breakfast room and had a good visit. Jack must have eaten 3 pastries, about a dozen tiny sausages, some cereal and several glasses of milk. He will be on a sugar high all day.  He said, “I’ll eat this and then we won’t have to buy lunch.” They had a great day yesterday at the Coliseum and then a good night's rest. Ethan was much more careful and left  behind a plate of things he didn't like. Michael, Kate and Bill also enjoyed the breakfast. The breakfast room is small but there were two guys serving coffee and tea and provided gracious help as we moved two tables together. The coffee was wonderful and strong!
Bill and Kate

We are on the 6th floor in a tiny room that is lovely. There is dental molding at the top of the 10 foot walls. The only window is about 6 feet off the floor so we aren’t tall enough for any view, but perhaps the tall wall serves as a sound barrier for the traffic noise that seems almost constant. Jim asked the tour driver for Kathryn's trip the name of this huge fountain nearby - the man said ,”One of thousands” which must certainly be true and maybe an under estimation of the number of fountains.

We took a nice nap and then cleaned up and are headed to the bar for wine and some sort of light supper. The hotel doesn’t have a full restaurant, but we are not up for a food search.

Feels good to know we are all safely here and under one roof to explore the area and enjoy being together. As we left the plane this morning one of the flight attendants asked if we'd like to take a bottle of wine with us too celebrate our anniversary...and we said "is the Pope a Catholic?" and since we are in Rome we know the answer to both questions.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day Two of Our Celebration and Travel

Today began with great excitement. We both were up early and ready for Jim, the driver, from Leisure Limo to pick us up. We had a terrific trip to the Tampa Airport. The plane to Atlanta took off , crew was funny-almost like a Southwest crew, and we arrived early.

Got to the Sky Lounge and enjoyed about an hour of peace and rest. Got to our gate and boarded the flight. All seemed to be going fine until the Captain came into the Business Class Cabin and said there was some sort of problem with the fuel  intake valve kept shutting down. It was controlled by a computer and the plane couldn’t be fueled. The tech people worked and worked but I guess we really do need fuel for the journey. As they came out of the cockpit each time they never smiled nor looked at the passengers so we knew something was NOT happening.

Then the air conditioning stopped working. It quickly got very hot onboard. The decision was made after about 1 ½ hours to have passengers deplane and wait in the gate area.  Almost immediately the crew with their luggage came off the plane- not a good sign! In a about 30 minutes they announced that we would fly on a plane that just arrived from Barcelona and they issued vouchers for dinner. Delta- always the soul of generosity- issued $10 vouchers.  We didn’t even go try to use them. As Leigh commented, “You could probably buy a coke and a package of chips for $10.”

We went to the new boarding gate and hopefully, after about another hour, we boarded the plane. The plane had not been serviced by the caterers and there was some sort of delay in the inspection of the plane required before it was flown back over the Atlantic.  Finally the Captain came around again. He tried and so did all the crew make this be as pleasant as possible. We sat, read, napped and prayed we’d get off to Rome.

Alas the Travel gods were not so kind. About 7:30 they announced that the crew had now worked the maximum number of hours the FAA will permit and we would wait for a new crew. Moments later they said the flight was cancelled and for all of us to go to rebooking and get hotel vouchers.  In keeping with the current trend toward polling about everything: in our family 45% would say air travel was great and 55% would say ( to quote Will Cheek) say air travel “sucks rotten eggs”. 

Not knowing what that entailed and being totally worn out, Jim and I asked for wheelchair assistance. What a good thing that was. The kind people got us quickly through that process without waiting in a long and very slow line.

Delta, once again being so generous, assigned us to the Marriott Gateway and gave us meal vouchers for dinner, breakfast, and lunch. The vouchers were for $6.00 each. Now what on earth could you eat for that?

The hotel lobby was lovely, the room was nice and we were thankful to at least know where we would sleep.  We ordered room service and ate dinner at about 10:15. We had burgers and wine and used the $12s in dinner vouchers. That leaves us owning $100.10 for dinner. What do families with children or folks with limited means do in times like this?

Our luggage stayed at the airport and Delta gave us little bags with amenities for our night. The note included said, “ We apologize for any inconvenience experienced. Please accept this amenity kit and know that we are doing everything to reach your destination as quickly and safely as possible. We appreciate your business and thank you for flying with us." The kit included a small toothbrush and toothpaste, a sort of hair brush, deodorant, razor and shaving cream, and a little white t-shirt for sleeping. 

Jim holds one of the lovely Delta Sleep Shirts
We would model the t-shirts but think it might frighten our friends and family, but here is how they looked.

The good news is that Bill, Michael, and Jack arrived right on time Saturday evening. Kate and Ethan’s plane was a direct flight and left on time so they should have gotten to Rome about 9:30 Sunday morning.  Kathryn, Will Christopher and Ella arrived in Rome about 10:00 and emailed from the hotel at about 11:00 Rome time. Leigh reports that as of this time on Sunday morning all the crowd had checked into the hotel.

Looks like we will be last to the party, but we’ll get there!