Thursday, July 21, 2022

Wednesday July 20- Bridge and Tunnels

 Last evening after dinner we had a wonderful time of guitar playing featuring lots of playing by Bruce  and a little bit of singing by the rest of us. The heat continued through the night but the temperature was dropping and dropping. By this morning when we awoke it was about 69. Went to the bathroom to get dressed and Bruce gently knocked on the door to say a cup of coffee was on the aft stars. Best gift I’ve gotten in a longtime.


We really begin the canal trip today. Seemed better to get going ahead of the others boats moored around us just a tad early. So Kathryn and Bruce came inside from drinking coffee and talking while sitting on the top of the boat, and  we began our trip.

We quickly met up with other boats. Folks along the way were amazingly helpful and friendly. The more we sailed along the more important it became as we needed to communicate when boats were ahead and the best option of who should stop and wait a bit. Sort of a good idea in life for sure. 

Some houses were right beside the side of the canal. Met one lady who was taking advantage of her placement at the first lock we went throughly seeing fish baked lemon cake and some piccalilli which Kathryn used for yummy apps later on. 

Here is our first narrow bridge complete with a curve making going under the bridge a real challenge. AND then there was a curve on the other side. The bridges are carefully numbered so you can figure just where you are on the map. Otherwise there are not many landmarks.

I had ordered this book about various canal trips in Wales. It contained maps and locations of places to eat and sleep if people planned to not sleep aboard. The book became the navigation guide. It was well used and Kathryn asked to keep it incase they decided some time to do another trip in the area.  

Along the way we did  see beautiful fields and stunning houses.   

As we approached the first lock the scenery was so lovely. Sheep grazing on the bank, narrow bridge, creative people along the way with fun to see decorations on their banks and gratitude for a good Captain. 



The first lock was very exciting. Kathryn and Christopher walked up the hill to get all set up.Olli joined them and they all worked quickly to close the water behind us as the lock was filling. 

Olli working hard
Olli and Kathryn

Kathryn supervises their work
Kathryn and Olli


Water fills us up and we are off again. Kathryn ran back and forth with her lock key.

They had to close the doors and then the water automatically began flowing. Christopher was on one side and Kathryn & Olli were on the other doing the hard work.

We motored inside and Bruce carefully went straight in and kept us centered. The water stopped automatically and the doors on the other side opened so we could move on downstream.

 Kathryn fixed some yummy snacks using some of the recently purchased piccalilli. The goods were made by local folks raising money for canal restoration. The lady just happen to live at the right spot. All along there are these yards with really spots of whimseKathryn Kathryn made some yummy snacks of fruit, veggies and some of the recently purchased Piccalilli Relish. The internet is extremely slow and we have used our total package in two days so I plan to write much less often. 




At 7:34 AM, Blogger Sue Moore said...

So sorry you are having slow internet. I'll keep looking for your posts but will presume you are doing well even if we don't hear from you often. I do need to ask about "fish baked lemon cakes". I will presume it was a typo and should be "fresh baked lemon cakes"??? What an adventure. No one at the locks to open them for you?

Even if you can't send your blogs, maybe you can keep a record of your adventures and send them all when you get back to the states or to a better signal.

So glad you have cooler weather. I can't imagine how you plan for one day with over 100 degrees and the next day at 69. Enjoy the cool weather while you can. It's scorching in the states, too. Take care!

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

These are wonderful pictures and descriptions of how you are going through the locks without someone else opening them for you. I can imagine how refreshing 69 degrees felt yesterday morning after the heat you experienced in London. Enjoy your adventures and I will look forward to all that you are able to write.



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