Thursday, July 28, 2022

Various expressions on these boats.

 After an exciting day with aqueducts and bridges, the second night we moored in Llangollen Mooring Basin.  The younger generation was off exploring the environs while we watched the activity of the spot where we were moored. Bruce did talk to a Welsh couple who totally live aboard their 65 ft canal boat. They were considering retiring and the COVID came along so they decided to just sell everything and make a move to a boat. Bill and Katherine have a friend who for different reasons decided to move to live on a canal boat. Guess you could get used to it...but it would take ne a long time. 

It is very clear the boaters express themselves with their boats. This one with the Buddha on the front and a food basket on the back was making some kind of statement but I sure have no idea what.                                                       

Many boats featured beautiful blooming plants and plants on their roofs. There were several with solar panels...but if the weather was like this most of the time I wondered how they got enough sun to even make it worth the effort.

Solar panels
We saw boats with laundry drying on the roof.  There was a boat with  a duck house beside it. Ducks were every where. Olli particularly enjoyed feeding the ducks.

My favorite was the boat with the floating garden. I guess if a person choses to live on a canal boat you need to do something to make it yours.                                            

Olli feeding the ducks

Floating Garden


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