Thursday, July 28, 2022

Whitchurch and around

 Bruce and Kathryn began the day with nearly morning walk and retuned after picking an enormous amount of wonderful blackberries. 

Kathryn then made oatmeal with brown sugar, walnuts, cranberries and blackberries. 

We all got a good laugh about the words on the box of oatmeal. "If someyin tries to gie you porridge that isn't Scott's you've every right to do yer dinger." TRANSLATION is "If someone tried to give you porridge that isn't Scott's you have every right to express your displeasure." 

Definitely a breakfast to remember and blackberries to never forget.

The younger folks walked into the nearby town of Whitchurch. There were lots of half-timber designed houses and naturally a lovely church. 

It rained so that afternoon that Olli had to get on the roff of the boat and retrieve poles and the mop that were about to wash away. Sure grateful for young agile folk.

For our last night Bruce cooked omelets which were so good. Filled with bits of all we had not eaten in the refrigerator. He is such a wonderful Chef. 

We were moored in a quiet place and after we ate Bruce played guitar- even in the rain. Perfect ending to this wonderful time from The flat on Ordnance Hill with Bill to the Dartford Warbler with Kathryn, Christopher, Olli and Bruce. 


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