Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The Heat Wave and the Boat Trip

 Today as I begin this post it is Monday, July 18 at about 3:00 PM the temperature outside is 98 degrees. Trains are not running for fear the rails might bend and road folks are watch to see if some roads begin to get soft.This is what the heat wave and travel have done to 75% of the people in this house. Bill has been outside twice-

 once to get cumin and once to return something to Amazon. Bruce's jet lag got to him and he is managing to nap along. Jim is entertaining himself with his iPad. It was just announced that the British Museum is closing early because it is too hot to be out and about. 

Bruce has planned out an interesting walk but right now it is just too hot to be outside. He has great hopes that in a few hours it will cool off just a bit. 

For lunch Bill put together a marvelous tray of cheese, cold cuts, sliced fruit, fruit salad  and veggie salad. Perfect lunch for 4 hungry people on a very hot day. 

Wonderful conversation around the table as we talked politics and bemoaned the state of both this country and the US. At least we all nodded our heads in agreement with each other. 

The afternoon was quiet with reading and naps. Bill cooked a fabulous dinner with small pieces of marinated chicken that had a bit of a bite it, pita bread, hummus with carrots and cakes, tzatziki  sauce with fried falafel, raisins and dried apricots. We had wonderful dates for dessert. A feast pleasing to the taste buds, the nose and the eyes.

After dinner we have a wonderful time with Bill and Bruce playing guitars together. Bruce is pretty much self taught and he has a terrific voice. 

They sang music from a variety of musicians. Several duets were just wonderful. Now all we needed was the two Kathryn/Katherine's playing flute to complete our little ensemble.  

We went to bed about 11:00. Everybody was weary from the extreme heat. We were so fortunate to be in the room where Bill had left the small AC unit. We were up about 8:00, got coffee and waited for our driver. Freddie was right on time.

The luggage was placed aboard and we all settled in for our journey. We made several stops along the way, making the trip take almost 4 hours. Kathryn kept texting that because of the hot weather much of their train planned scheduling was not working out. The trains kept being canceled.

Bruce got some chardonnay correctly name Voyage.  The trip was pleasant, cool and featured good conversation as we rode for 3 hours in the large Mercedes van.
We got to the Blackwater Meadow Marina and the boat was right there. Freddie helped Bruce take our luggage aboard and Jim went to use the facilities in the Marina.
    The heat was getting to all of us but we soldiered on to get settled in. Kathryn, Olli and Christopher arrived by Taxi and the three of them took the brief training about the boat and how to handle it. AND we were off!
The Dartford Warbler

Christopher arrives

The boat is well appointed and clean. Lots of dishes and glasses. Compact kitchen, small bed space and bathrooms. 
We settled in and got luggage sort of stowed away. 

At the end of the evening Olli entertained us all trying to catch and release a yellow jacket as we all had a yellow jacket story to tell. 


At 2:12 PM, Blogger Sue Moore said...

I have been worrying about all of you in that heat. I'm glad to hear that the tires on your car didn't melt on the way to the boat.

I would love to hear some of the duets that the guys played. Did you record anything on your phone for later viewing?

That is an interesting looking boat/barge. I'll look forward to photos of the inside when you have a chance. (Am I correct that Bill is not going on the boat? I think you said something about six of you going....) Plus, I'll be curious as to how the steps were to get onto the boat. Happy sailing!! And thank you for taking the time to post this blog. It is great.

At 5:35 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

What a wonderful time you had with Bill! His meals are very impressive. The experience of sitting in his house and listening to him and Bruce play their guitars and sing sounds magical. Your own private concert. It was nice to have a beautiful place to relax and try to stay cool with all the heat over there.

Your canal boat looks very interesting. I am looking forward to reading more of your blogs and seeing pictures of your travel along the river.

I actually still have your blogs on my computer from your travels in years past. So it is just updating with this newest adventure. Enjoy and hope the weather will be cooler on the water.

At 3:16 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

So glad you are all right! Worried about you with all the heat. Been checking on your villa every other day. Take care of yourselves.



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