Thursday, July 28, 2022

Car and Pedestrian Bridge

 Christopher became quite good at jumping to the land and raising the many small bridges' Even cold and rain couldn't stop our journey because of his great work.

Bridge were clearly marked with large STOP signs so there could be no doubt of what had to be done.

This ia a small town and even a couple of the houses right by the canal have a front walk that lowers down so they can cross to solid ground.  I guess folks get accustomed to living like that. 

A car crossed the Bridge and then Christopher worked to raise it up for us to continue on.

I think it takes great courage to leap on and off the bat as Olli, Kathryn Christopher and Bruce did all the time. 

Thankfully they promised us we would just be passengers and not expected to do any of that.

I keep being amazed at how busy this canal is with many activities- mostly all  for fun.

Lots of people paddling canoes and paddle boards. Everybody friendly and helpful. 

People wave and talking and help each other a great deal!

And then just around the corner another experience.....a tunnel. 

Besides the engine, seems to me the most important piece of equipment aboard is the light in the bow to let anyone approaching the tunnel now you were about the enter the tunnel....or when you see a light coming the other way you better pull way to the side and wait your turn. 


At 6:51 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I loved all the information you wrote about sailing the canals and the pictures along the way. The pictures of the church and buildings in Whitchurch were looked very magical. Thank you for so many details and pictures about your trip....always so very interesting!
Happy that you are home but sad that your return air travel was so difficult.



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