Saturday, December 31, 2016

Colon, Panama- December 29

We continue to be amazed at the rough seas. The Captain does a great job each time she makes her very clear and informative Navigation announcement. We know what to expect as we sail and when we get to port. Makes it much easier to plan and cope with life aboard and ashore.

Colón is the city at the Atlantic entrance to the
Panama Canal. Americans founded it in 1850. The Panama Canal was already under construction to meet the gold rush demand for a fast route to California. It is named to honor Christopher Columbus.

The port is one of the busiest we have ever seen. More different kinds of loading and unloading platforms dot the harbor. There are more stacked containers that extend as far as the eye can see. As we sailed into the harbor I counted 28 ships just outside the seawall waiting to get in line for the canal. Tugboats nudged us into our spot and a small water taxi plied the waters on its route all day long.

The tour we were to take was canceled because of some sort of timing problem. Never quite understood why. So we had a quiet day. The shops near the ship were mostly US products duty free. Nothing we needed for sure!

We do enjoy this pampered life of cruising. Soon we’ll be home and wondering where is the person with the menu and why is it taking so long to get the cabin cleaned. Then we will remember that it is all up to us to do that!


At 1:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Drat - hate that your tour got cancelled - but it still sounds ike a wonderful time!


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