Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas Day

Christmas Dad dawned partly cloudy but with calm seas. We are at sea for the day on our way to Havana. Six of our crowd gathered at our regular table for breakfast. The staff was so cheerful- singing all the time they worked. Made for a fun breakfast. We do all like having a regular table and a super server like Gerald.

Kathryn had come the night before and stuffed stockings. Jim and I did that after dinner so all was ready. Natalie and Ardis arrived with their stockings and the fun began. Christopher distributed them. It is always so fun to see who gives what to whom. We have two swivel chairs, a desk chair and two deck chairs and , if we count the refrigerator we have a total of 6 places for people to sit. That does mean that 2 people have to sit on the bed.

Jim got a lovely flashing neck scarf which he proudly wore all day. I got a Jingle bells and flashing necklace which was the perfect accessory for my Christmas garb. Ellen Millar shared gifts of note cards for Ardis, Natalie and Jim & I. Natalie gave each of us a beautiful cut glass brandy snifter. Kathryn and Will outdid themselves with stuff for our stockings. We laughed as we unwrapped.

Some of the crowd departed to go play Holiday Trivia and we tried to bring order out of the chaos of the room. After lunch Kathryn, Will, Christopher, Natalie, Ardis and I went to the Atlantic Lounge and watch The Christmas Story. There were about 50 people in the lounge and most were laughing out ,our almost the entire time. Such a funny movie.

Following the movie we all went to the Pacific Lounge and made ornaments for our trees. No anything too creative....but then the creation began. Kathryn brought 12 kits of Mug Topper Gingerbread House so we busied ourselves creating a little town. We had such a good time. Christopher's friend Caroline came and join us as did the two cruise directors. Everyone made at least one house.

Natalie became the city planner and then the mayor as she arranged our little community. Many folks going into Happy House came over and looked with curiosity

Kathryn, Christopher, Caroline-the friend from Virginia-, Kristen-
the Cruise Director from Illinois, Elaine , Natalie

Our Town

We went to dinner for our Special Christmas feast which was delicious. After the meal some folks went to the Rocking Christmas Show and some went to bed. The Captain had announced at dinner the the evening and night would be rough because we were sailing into a storm. We noticed furniture had been removed from sitting areas in anticipation. Turned out it was a really rough night!

Santa had put this Living Christmas Tree in Jim's stocking so we carefully followed the directions, spread out the branches and added the "magic water."  Quickly the tree went from paper looking dark green to light green crystals. All in all it was a great day together with family and friends who have quickly become family!


At 7:30 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

The ornaments look great and I am sure that you are having fun, enjoying each other’s company and most of all bonding... ..


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