Thursday, January 03, 2019

December 28- Freeport, Bahamas

At last the seas calmed down. I ate in the cabin last evening but Jim went down to the dining room. The ship was still rocking and rolling plus the walk down and up five flights of stairs given all the movement was not something to my liking.

About 3:00 AM the seas just calmed down and we slept really well as we made our way to Freeport. Met the group for lunch since we were docking at about 1:00. Having been to Freeport a good number of times we decided not to take any excursions.

Freeport is the capital city of the island chain called The Grand Bahamas. It is the second largest city and is mostly know for tourism. We were docked right by a cute commercial area complete with live music, lots of shopping and a SeƱor Frogs bar. Mostly exactly what is at every other port in the Caribbean.

As we sailed in you could see the oil drilling rigs in the distance.  The water was a beautiful blue and the breeze wonderful.

We relaxed and read....then quickly threw stuff in suitcases so we could be ready to put them outside the door by 11:00PM.

Had a great last dinner together and then played a little bit of Manipulation- the wonderful card game Natalie taught us all.

The time shared with family and friends was perfect. The "hotel" people on the cruise- cabin and dining room- could not have been nicer and more attentive. Cuba was a very beautiful in some spots and very run-down in others. The scenery was lovely, guides were helpful. We decided we would not ever choose this cruise line again. Communication was not their strong suit and at actually at times not happening at all.

WE toured, we ate, few projected. we played games. We laughed a lot.

What more could you ask for at Christmas time!


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