Friday, July 15, 2022

We Made It!!

 This journey began at 2:00PM on Wednesday afternoon when we were picked up by our wonderful housekeeper, Maritza Fernandez. She quickly loaded our luggage in her SUV and we were off through the traffic and over the bridges to get to the Tampa Airport. This great adventure has begun!

We give great praise to the fabulous Leigh Berghane for her careful attention and patience in all our ever-changing travel plans. So here we go!

We entered the terminal in search of wheelchairs. We had decided on these flights we'd use/need all the help we could get so we asked for wheelchair assistance. Found the spot where the chairs were hidden away. One really nice young man who had only worked 3 weeks at the airport rolled us to check-in, luggage checking, to the monorail, through security- a big hassle for all of us- and to the Delta Lounge. I  kept saying to him "I'm sorry for the trouble." After 2 times of saying that he said, "Please don't say that anymore. This is my job and pleasure."

After we rested, sipped a little wine, a very nice man came and rolled us to the gate. He even waited and rolled us aboard the plane and carefully tucked our carry-ons under the seat. Off we went headed to Detroit. So grateful for all the help!

Didn't realize this flight was a dinner flight so we both ate a small portion of not so tasty beef short-ribs. We arrived perfectly on time and got chairs to take us to the next gate. First time I remembered being at the Detroit McNamara Airport. The terminal is big and very open-styled. Lots of shops with great variety. These guys rolled us to the gate. The walk from there to the plane was much longer than we anticipated but we made- even though a bit short of breath. We settled into our cool seats.

Delta used to provide a small case with eye mask, slippers, toothbrush and toiletries but no more.  Instead there was a huge package with a blanket and pillow made from recycles plastic bottles. Jim said the blanket was cosy and warm and the pillow small. At least we were making a contribution being mindful of the environment. 

The entertainment system was a nice sized screen with more choices than one could ever watch. The seat had more ways to adjust it than I needed including lumbar support. After a dinner of pasta and a yummy salad, I settled down to watch "Catch Me If You Can," the movie of the true story of Frank Abagnale, Jr who was a con man who fooled people as a doctor, a teacher and a pilot- played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks as the FBI agent, Carl Hannraty, who was obsessed with capturing him. Was a good movie but I only managed to stay awake for half of it. 

We landed a little early at Heathrow Airport in London and I thought we'd be in great shape to do the immigration and baggage routine but the plane couldn't get to the gate because another plane was in our spot. We finally got to the gate about 45 minutes later. The transport with wheelchairs was most interesting. One chair to the door and Jim was kind enough to volunteer to walk to the "top of the gateway" which was much further than either of us expected. Got onto a cart and made a fast trip through the terminal with horn tooting the whole way and people jumping out of our way. He let us off at a Hospitality spot and we waited for chairs to take us the rest of the way. Really nice man and woman came and rolled us along. 

The man rolling me was from India. I said the only places we had been to in India were Goa, Agra and Mumbai. He grinned a big grin and announced he was from Goa and was going back t visit in a few weeks after 4 years. Connections are always so amazing. They got the luggage and got us into the terminal where Imram, our patient driver was waiting. We were about an hour getting to this spot. We also had to change rollers to go outside. People working inside the terminal cannot accept a tip but the folks rolling outside can. Seemed strange to me. 

We got to Imram's car and we were off to Bill's flat. Drive was about an hour through downtown London. Imram was originally from Pakistan, but he and his family live about 30 miles outside the city. He said "Only billionaires can afford to live in London." He navigates the traffic fast and safe and we arrived about an hour later at Bill's at 49 Ordnance Hill. He was waiting outside and took the luggage inside as we dragged ourselves inside and collapsed. Bill is the most welcoming of hosts but Stella the cat is not sure at all what this is about.

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The flat is large and lovely. high ceilings, big rooms. Groceries were delivered and we just relaxed and chatted with Bill. He cooked wonderful burgers for supper. We faded very fast and headed to bed at about 6:30. As I crawled into the comfy bed at 7:00 PM it dawned on me it was 2:00PM at home and this trip began exactly 24 earlier with Maritza picking us up. 

I slept about 12 hours and Jim slept about 15 hours. Had great coffee and terrific visit with Bill. He is now doing a Peloton bike class and Jim is working on email and news while I do this blog. Definitely a lazy life.

Travel is always an adventure and this one has begun with lots of help from kind, gracious and helpful folks in 3 airports, three pilots, countless flight attendants, 10 wheelchair rollers, one lounge, one SUV and one Mercedes car with great driver. Always grateful for help that makes a trip like this possible. 


At 4:41 AM, Blogger Sue Moore said...

Oh, I am so glad everything went so smoothly. I must say I was dreading the flight and transfers for you - harder than most people think when you're exhausted. I surmise you had no problems with luggage. (There was a report on NBC the day you left showing hundreds of pieces of luggage piled up at Heathrow.) You were so wise to get "chairs" whenever you could. Have a wonderful time, and keep the blogs coming. I will look for it first thing each morning. Hugs!


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