Monday, July 18, 2022

Monday- July 18-

 Yesterday we watched the church service from American International Church with Bill. This summer the congregation is focusing on familiar hymns and today it was "Amazing Grace." Jennifer, the pastor, used the words of the hymn as the major points in her sermon. She told the wonderful story about John Newton's conversion to Christianity which led to the writing that hymn and several more. The choir's singing was lively. The sound was not so good making it difficult to understand some of the speakers. The original church was built in the 1800's and rebuilt in 1957, having been destroyed in 1945 by one of the last bombs that landed in London. 

Bill forgot his guitar pick so he told us he had an old credit card and using scissors from the church office he cut the card into a pick. His friend, Andy, responded when Bill told him, "Jesus would approve since he didn't much care for the money lenders." 

Perfect comment!

Jim left his hat at home so Bill was kind enough to loan him one and also order a new one for they modeled the hats while we were "at church."

Another great dinner features steak and ale pie, tasty broccoli and a fruit salad that contained strawberries, blueberries and amazing blackberries. Such marvelous fresh fruit and all from the UK! I had to chuckle reading on the egg carton at breakfast- "Range Free Eggs- from hens who roam free on pastures grassy and under trees." The dining room is a cozy spot with a view of the kitchen.  We have really disorganized the place with suitcases and stuff everywhere. I am still so amazed by the speed with which groceries arrive at the door. Bill went for an 8 mile bike ride on his brand new bike. 
We were not nearly as active- we read.

In the evening we watched the end of the series "The Woman Across the Street and the Girl in the Window." Has a very surprising ending.We all predicted what we thought would be the ending and were we ever wrong. 

This morning- bright and early- Bruce Kennedy arrived. Bruce is Kathryn's friend who is a really nice person and also the experienced boat captain for our. canal journey. 
His flight was right on time and Heathrow was not so busy. He used the underground- the Heathrow Express- and arrived right to our front door. He and Bill were immediately conferring over something. 

We plan a quiet rest of the day. We will have to get our stuff reassembled for our journey tomorrow. 

Jim and Stella the cat, are fast friends. I did have. an unfortunate encounter with her last evening when she wold not get off of our bed. 

I gently tried to encourage her and she bit me. I tried to tell her that this was not the best way for a grand-cat to behave. 


At 4:38 AM, Blogger Sue Moore said...

Ouch! Not a good thing to get bitten by a cat. I presume she's had all of her shots! Very creative of Bill to use a credit card as a pick - that'll preach. Take care, and stay as cool as possible.

At 8:17 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I am enjoying all of the interesting details of your stay with Bill. His home looks and sounds wonderful and it is so nice that you have had several days to relax and spend time together.

It is good that your boat captain has arrived! I will be excited to read more as you board tomorrow and take off on your cruise.


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