Sunday, July 17, 2022

Wonderfully Lazy Day- July 15

Yesterday was a great day! We slept late, ate great food, visited with Bill and watched 5 episodes of an interesting Netflix series. What a life!

The kitchen in Bill and Katherine's flat is huge. So much storage, a full sized refrigerator, a large washer and dryer, cool barstools at a counter and an amazing pull out and rotating shelves in a pantry. The space is brightly lighted. The kitchen window and the bathroom window have a feature I really like. The windows are tall with four rows wide and 4 rows high of individual glass panes that are 8"x10" each. The kitchen window has one row of frosted glass and the bathroom has two. People working at the sink can see out into the front garden and the street but those going by can only see a head. The bathroom window with its two rows of frosted glass to prevent "peeping Tom's." Way better than curtains that have to be closed and opened. Ah, how inventive are those British!

Bill went for a long awaited massage appointment. The person is so popular that Bill had made this appointment in March. Once in with the person, Bill was able to make an appointment for 2 weeks from now. The British health system seems to take a much more wholistic approach to health care with acupuncture, massage and other approaches well recognized as helpful. 

Bill came home with a big smile on his face. We chatted a while and he was off to the way top floor to play D & D with a group of former collage buddies. They try to gather once a month. This regular connection seems to have kept their friendship really alive. 

For dinner we decided to order Thai from Rosa's Thai delivered by Deliveroo. 
The Spring Rolls were divine. Bill had Drunken Noodles and we had Panang Curry. Food was yummy, plentiful and offered easy clean up. Everything came in round cardboard recyclable containers. 

I remember years ago how London had delivery of all kinds of necessary things and supplies very downbeat and good. 

Groceries come in plastic bags that you pay for in your order, but if you return to the delivery person the next time you get a credit. Terrific for the environment. The government provides, also a small plastic bin for food scrapes to be recycled
for fuel. There is weekly pick-up of three kinds of bins- food recycle, other recycle and also garbage.

In the evening we watched a really fun comedy/horror series The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window.  It was great fun. Can't wait to see the remaining episodes. The mystery/horror aspect makes mock of lines and plots from a variety of horror movies while the story line is engaging and funny.

Sharing this time with Bill is just priceless. Lots of time to visit without any pressure to go, see, or do anything. He is an excellent and gracious host and this home is extremely comfortable. We are even, after just three days, getting faster and more at ease with the stairs. Still doubt we'll make it to the top floor....but one  never knows. 

Bill and Katherine worship at the 
American International Church when they are here. Bill often plays his guitar for worship as he is doing this morning. He is off with his guitar. Must be a casual service since he says they often haven't seen the music until Sunday morning. But he enjoys the group and , of course, he loves to play his guitar.  Music does bring lots of comfort and solace to both musicians and listeners.
The shipmates for our boat adventure are gathering. 

Kathryn, Christopher and Olli have landed in Edinburgh, Scotland. Bruce Kennedy arrives here tomorrow morning to stay overnight in this fine establishment, and then together the. three of us journey early Tuesday morning to the marina in Ellesmere to get aboard the Dartford Warbler. 
Meanwhile, may your Sunday be fun and relaxing too!


At 4:53 AM, Blogger Sue Moore said...

What is the bottom picure? Bill's flat - or the church where he plays guitar? So glad you are relaxing and able to spend precious time with Bill. We're going to our virtual church at Trinity this morning then on to meet Michelle's friend, Kent, for a casual lunch. We'll see what the rest of the day brings. For some reason we wash clothes on Sunday - not my first choice, but Michelle has been in this habit and does 98% of the laundry, so I don't complain. Tomorrow I see the orthopedic doctor about my knee(s). The left one has been screaming at me for a couple of weeks, so I broke down and made an appointment. So glad I have a Kindle to be able to get books and read. (I finished the hard copy of The Woman's Hour. If you or Kathryn would like to read it, I'll get it to you. 19th Amendment ratified in Nashville - very well written, but long.) Well, that's the news from Nashville. I'll look forward to hearing about your boat trip in the days to come.


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